5 thoughts on “100 points, I want to know what the transaction volume looks like”

  1. The so -called stock transaction volume is the number of stocks that have been successfully traded, that is, the total number of stocks that complete the transaction within one day (1 hand = 100 shares)

    Generally, the stock transaction volume can let us see it. The degree of activity of a stock or broader market can help us understand the stock market and choose good stocks, identify the timing of buying and selling.

    What should I look at the volume of stocks? What are the analysis skills? What do you need to pay attention to the most? The following is a detailed explanation for everyone.

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    . What do you think of stock transaction volume? What are the analysis skills?

    The specific stock trading volume on the transaction software, determine the transaction volume by looking at the purchase and selling volume at the opening of the market. Or look at the traffic columns, they can more intuitively reflect the stock transaction volume: red column representatives buy ﹥ for sale; green column body representatives buy ﹤ for sale.

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    . Is the stock transaction volume a lot?

    The large stock transaction volume does not show that the stock is good. It can only be said that the price of the stock and seller of the stock has completely different ideas.

    It like some popular stocks, the buyers think that the price will rise, the selling person thinks that the price will fall, the two parties will have a large difference, the transaction volume will be very high, and the transaction volume will be very low.

    The transaction volume can generally look at the trend of the stock price: in the upward trend, the transaction volume will be enlarged quickly. As the price continues to rise, the two parties to buy and sellers are becoming more and more violent. More and more participating in stock selling, at this time, you need to be alert to chasing the rise; the transaction volume is related to the trend, when the decline trend, the transaction volume will be reduced. big.

    In addition to these types, there are still other situations in the stock transaction volume. If the number of words is limited, it is not specifically mentioned. You can click on the link below and enter your favorite stocks. Analysis report: [Free] Test your current valuation location?

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  2. In a certain period of transaction volume or decrease, compared with the transaction volume of the previous period, the longer the transaction volume, the greater the transaction volume. Pay attention to the trading volume mainly lies in the operating trend of prices. The slight increase or decrease of the transaction volume generally cannot show too much problem. The relationship between the volume and price is also called the relationship between the volume and price:
    The increase in quantity increase mainly refers to a phenomenon of volume and price coordination that the stock price remains almost at a certain price level at a certain price level at a certain price level when the volume is increased. The increase in quantity increase may appear at all stages of the rising market, or in all stages of the decline. If the stock price is in a low -priced area after a long period of decline, the transaction volume continues to release, but the stock price has not risen simultaneously. This trend may indicate that new funds are suppressing the warehouse. Once the stock price is turned around with the effective coordination of the trading volume, it indicates that the bottom has been formed.
    The increase in price increase. The increase in quantity increase mainly refers to a phenomenon of volume and price coordination of individual stocks (or large markets) while increasing the stock price. The increase in quantitative increases only appears in the rise, and most of them appear in the early stages of rising markets, and a small part of the appearance is in the middle of the rising market. After a long period of decline and the bottom consolidation, many favorable factors have gradually appeared in the market. These favorable factors have enhanced the market expectations of the market, and their hands are gradually active. With the enlarged volume and the simultaneous rise in stock prices, buying shares can be benefited in a short period of time.
    The volume reduction. The increase in quantity reduction mainly refers to a phenomenon of volume and price coordination of the stock price increased by the stock price of individual stocks (or a large market). The increase in quantitative reducing prices often appears at the end of the rising market, and occasionally appears during the rebound of the decline. In the continuous rising market, a moderate amount of price reduction indicates that the main control disk is higher, and a large number of circulation chips are locked by the main force. However, after all, the amount of quantitative price increase shows a trend of volume and price departure. Therefore, if the transaction volume is enlarged again during the subsequent rise, it may mean that the main force is shipped at high levels.
    The price increase. The increase in price increase mainly refers to a phenomenon of quantitative price coordination of individual stocks (or large markets) under the increase in transaction volume. Most of the phenomenon of quantitative increases appeared in the early stages of the decline, and a small part also appeared in the early stage of the rising market. In the early days of the decline, after a large rise in the stock price, more and more profit chips in the market were on the market. Investors have thrown stocks, causing the stock price to begin to fall. Signal.
    The volume reduction. The price reduction and falling price mainly refer to a phenomenon of volume and price coordinated by individual stocks (or large markets) while declining the stock price. The phenomenon of quantitative reduction and falling may occur in the middle of the decline, or in the middle of the rising market. The quantitative reduction in the decline indicates that investors will no longer do "short replenishment" after shipment, and the stock price will also maintain a decline. Investors should be based on currency watching.
    The two main cases of the relationship between volume and price
    The volume and price are the same as: that is, the stock price is the same as the change direction of the transaction volume. The stock price rises and the volume of transactions has also risen, which is a manifestation of the market continues to be optimistic; the stock price declines, the transaction volume decreases, which shows that the seller is optimistic about the market outlook, holding the position and sale, and the rebound rebound is still very promising.
    The volume and price departure: that is, the trend of the opposite of the stock price is the opposite. The increase in stock prices and the decrease in transaction volume or flat, indicating that the rise of the stock price cannot be supported by the transaction volume. This kind of upward trend is difficult to maintain; the stock price declines but the rising volume is a precursor of the sluggish market outlook, indicating that investors are afraid of the disaster and the coming of the disaster will come. Selling away from the market.
    The transaction volume is a mirror that reflects the popularity of the stock market. Only when the popularity is strong, it is possible to buy and sell enthusiastically. The buying is high and the transaction volume is naturally enlarged. On the contrary, investors shake the chess of people, and when the popularity is sluggish, the transaction volume must shrink.
    The transaction volume is an effective way to observe the dynamic dynamics of the dealer. The huge funding is the essence of a large dealer, and all their intentions must be realized through transactions. The transaction volume increased sharply, and it is likely that the dealer is buying and selling.
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  3. The transaction volume should be analyzed. There are also many analysis methods. Different stocks have different results.

    It is simply:
    The transaction two smalls, indicating that everyone compares the current price of the stock.
    This are too lazy to sell. If you don't have to buy it, you don't bother to buy it. Because they both agree with the current price, they cannot stimulate the transaction.

    The large transaction volume indicates that everyone has a large difference in current price differences in the stock.
    This people feel that they will earn it now.
    The people who have no stocks feel that they can make money after buying now.
    Then the transaction volume is large.
    The volume increase price, buyer signal! Increase the price flat, turn to Yin signal!
    The volume rises, increase the signal! A quantity reduction, alert signal!
    The amount of price reduction, persistence! The price reduction is reduced, selling signals!
    The volume fell, the signal is out! Increase the price and fall, wait and see!

  4. The volume is relative to individual stocks and the average amount of previous periods. For example,

    The average 10%of the average hands in the first 10 days, then 5%today is not capacity. If the average hand in the first 10 days is 2%, then 5%today is the volume!

    The equity of each stock is different. It is more meaningful to look at it in the future. Because of the amount, it is incredible to deal with a small plate of 100 million. The broader market transaction is hundreds of millions of is the capacity

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