Analysis of the current situation and path of the development of Wuzhou artificial gemstone industry

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  1. The People's Government of Wuzhou City
    The capital of gem
    If the artificial gem industry is a comprehensive industry covering luxury, chemical, light industry, machinery manufacturing, creativity, packaging, tourism display, etc., with high technology and high The characteristics of added value and fashion are the rising industry with higher income and greater demand. After 30 years of continuous development of Wuzhou artificial gemstone industry, it has become the most distinctive characteristic industry in Wuzhou.
    . Wuzhou's artificial gem industry status
    1. There are many gem companies, the total production capacity is large, the number of industrial workers decreases
    bright artificial gem
    guests of the 7th Wuzhou International Gemstones Festival At present, there are more than 700 individual households who have received business licenses engaged in gem trade, processing, and machinery in Wuzhou. There are more than 500 unregistered individual households. With the upgrading and development of the industry, the production of artificial gemstones in Wuzhou has completed the upgrading of technology. The more efficient automated CNC machine has replaced the production of octagonal machines. The domestic output is 80 %, the world output is more than 70 %, and the total value reaches 2.5 billion yuan. Due to the influence of the promotion of automated machinery production, employees have reduced from more than 100,000 people a few years ago to about 40,000 to 50,000.
    2. Wuzhou gem inlaid enterprises and gem brands have initially established
    among gemstone business households, with a certain scale inlaid enterprise Yuxing Jewelry Co., Ltd. Tianjie Jewelry Co., Ltd., Wuzhou Shangmei Gem Co., Ltd., etc. In terms of brand building, Xuping Jewelry Co., Ltd. founded the "Xuping Jewelry" brand. Wuzhou Wangfa New Arts Co., Ltd. owns its own "Li Meng" jewelry brand. The inlaid jewelery -based deep processing products are explorated and extended.
    3. The taxation of gem companies gradually increases
    Mostly artificial gem enterprises in Wuzhou City are small, with many enterprises below scale, decentralized processing, and difficulty in output value. Coupled with the large industry liquidity, the taxation point of taxation has increased. In 2011, the total taxation of the entire industry was 15.84 million yuan. At present, the largest tax company in the gem industry in Wuzhou is Xuping Jewelry Company. In 2011, tax taxes were 5.85 million yuan, Guangxi Zhongtian Jewelry Co., Ltd. was taxed by 1.97 million yuan, and the new (Cangwu) Gemstones Industry Co., Ltd. taxed 1.36 million yuan. New Crafts Co., Ltd. has a tax tax of 360,000 yuan. There are more than 100 companies and individual households with annual taxes of more than 10,000 yuan.
    4. The effect of Wuzhou gem cluster was revealed
    Wuzhou is known as the "world artificial gem capital", and the "Wuzhou International Gem Festival Festival" has become one of the most loud brands of Guangxi Convention and Exhibition. "Starting to Wuzhou, several listed companies in China have set up branches or offices in Wuzhou. The government has specially established management institutions such as the Municipal Gemstock Office, the Gem Industry Management Section of the Municipal Industry and Information Commission, and the Gem Bureau of the Dieshan District. The industry has also established civil institutions such as the Gem Chamber of Commerce, the Accessories Society, and the Gem Network Chamber of Commerce. Gem City and Gem Tower are the world's largest artificial gem trading distribution center. The first professional testing center in the country has been established. Wuzhou College has specially opened gem design major. The industrial chain has gradually expanded. The embryonic form of the cluster mode of learning and research.
    . The problems in the development of the artificial gem industry in Wuzhou City
    1. The total value of the tax and the GDP
    Wuzhou's artificial gemstone has a large annual output, reaching more than 12 billion capsules. 2.5 billion yuan, outstanding status, accounting for 80 % of the domestic output and more than 70 % of the world's output, but the profit tax has hovered around 10 million yuan for many years. The main reason for this is that most gem companies have only set up offices or agency points in Wuzhou, but they only use the Wuzhou Gem Trading Platform to negotiate and trade. Since the company's registered place is not in Wuzhou and does not participate in the industrial and commercial and tax activities of Wuzhou, these companies issue tax bills at their place where they are registered, which not only causes the tax and tax to be related to Wuzhou, but even the statistics of the transaction data do not enter Wuzhou's commodity sales.
    2. Lack of industrial parks and production bases, it has greatly restricted the development of the gem industry
    Wuzhou does not have a formal, large -scale and scale gem processing production base and park Development. The reason why Wuzhou gem processing enterprises are below designated size is mainly due to the lack of processing and production plants. In order to carry out production, most enterprises are scattered in residential buildings in the urban area and rural areas in the suburbs. There are also some small enterprises lease plants for processing in the industrial park. Such production conditions make it difficult for enterprises to have room for expansion. The functions of tourism display are also difficult to achieve, and the comprehensive benefits are low. At the same time, due to scattered in residential buildings, huge noise has a bad impact on residents' lives, and has brought many hidden dangers to fire and social security. Moreover, due to the small and scattered enterprises, there are many inconvenience to the government's supervision and statistics, and it is difficult to put forward targeted guidance.
    3. The industrial chain is incomplete, the added value of the product is low
    The complete gem industry chain is divided into upstream cubic oxidation cricket production, midstream gem semi -finished processing, downstream jewelry inlaid, ceramic products, military nuclear power products production Wait. Among them, the upstream and downstream industries are more profitable.
    (1) The lack of upstream product production enterprises
    The upstream industries mainly refer to the production of cubic oxidation. The cubic oxidation consumed by the semi -finished product of gemstones in Wuzhou City is about 4620 tons, plus the annual consumption of artificial gemstones such as red, blue -like jade, and spinels of synthesis of 6,000 tons. However, most of these are outside Wuzhou. Among them, Dongfang's industry provides nearly 69 %, and other upstream companies such as Jing'an Jiangxi provide nearly 30 %.
    Due to the lack of upstream product manufacturers, Wuzhou lacks the right to speak about raw materials and its price, Wuzhou's gem semi -finished processing enterprise is easily affected and controlled by upstream enterprises, and often requires effort to maintain goodness in interpersonal relationships. The supply relationship, thereby greatly increased the cost of Wuzhou enterprises, and wasted the energy of Wuzhou gem entrepreneurs.
    The gem industry chain shown intention
    (2) There are many midstream product manufacturers, the middle product production is large, and the price competition is fierce. Accessories, machinery and equipment, cutting, grinding, sending and receiving distribution, operating trade, and production can produce almost all types of artificial gem products. The number of artificial gemstones has more than 12 billion capsules in the annual processing, distribution, and transaction of artificial gemstones. However, at the same time, Wuzhou's artificial gem products series failed to drive the development of deep -processing products such as exquisite grinding, jewelry inlaid, and comprehensive processing. The entire gem industry is still at the low -end of the international industrial chain, and it is showing signs of "hollow" of the industrial foundation.
    The 7th Wuzhou International Gem Gemstone Jewelry Jewelry Jewelry Exhibition
    Due to the large -scale use of more efficient fully automated CNirers, there have been new situations in the Wuzhou gem processing industry: First, there are many producers. Because the semi -finished processing industry has the characteristics of low investment, low technical content, low process requirements, and small market access restrictions, some investors purchase machines and are scattered in residential areas of residential residential areas. There are many producers, and it is estimated that there are more than 500 households. The second is that the output of fully automated CNC is amazing. The output of 1 person controlling 6 machines is equivalent to the output of the octagonal machine in the past 100 people, which can reach 150,000 a day; the third is that the price of gem particles is low. Due to the huge production capacity, the price of enterprises is used to fight for orders, which leads to the low price. Even the point of the loss of the loss, which has also led the enterprise to do not pay taxes or even evade taxes; The noise of the machine is greater, and the three -shift production model has a great impact on the surrounding residents; the fifth is that the artificial use is greatly reduced, resulting in the unemployment of industrial workers and affecting social stability.
    (3) The number of downstream product production enterprises is small and the scale is small. The brand needs to be strengthened
    The downstream industry mainly refers to jewelry inlaid, ceramic products, and military nuclear power supplies. At present, there are four inlaid enterprises in Wuzhou in Wuzhou. Compared with the number of gemstones, the number of gemstones and the output of 12 billion gem intermediate products, the number of enterprises in gem jewelry production is small, the output is not large, and the scale needs to be further increased. The production of ceramic products and military nuclear power supplies is still blank.
    The artificial gem brand companies belonging to Wuzhou's natives, and there are few influences at home and abroad. Many small and medium -sized enterprises have the old mind and lack of aggressive spirit. They have never even thought about making the enterprise stronger and bigger, and the brand awareness is basically not. There are no brands, lack of innovation and strong power, small corporate structural transformation ability, and weak driving force. It is difficult to appear well -known enterprises and well -known brands, making this industry with advantageous resources from forming an advantage.
    4. The industry is irregular, lack of sustainable development mechanisms and power
    . The inferior machine in the industry is full. Some unlicensed operations and poor quality -controlling machines occupy the market at a low price, which has led to the decline in the quality of semi -percentage of artificial gemstones produced, which directly affects foreign sales and affects the reputation of Wuzhou gems.
    The disorderly competition in the industry. In recent years, due to the global financial crisis and the European debt crisis, the entire gem industry is relatively depressed, and orders have been significantly reduced. On the other hand, the update of machinery and equipment has greatly improved productivity. However, due to the lack of effective industry management, blind production leads to overcapacity. Many gemstones are sold at a loss, and the interests of the industry are greatly damaged.
    three is the lack of standards in the industry. At present, each operator is a self -determined standard. The products sold have no uniform quality and specifications. Wuzhou Artificial Gem Product Quality Testing Center has no customer requirements for testing for a long time. The difference in quality of the product has affected the reputation of the industry and is also an important reason for the decline in prices year by year.
    The lack of professional talents in the industry. According to incomplete statistics, technicians in the gem industry (including the "Turkish Experts") account for only about 4.3 % of the total. Wuzhou College has opened related majors such as "jewelry design and manufacturing" since 2005. Since 2007, there have been more than 200 graduates, and no more than 20 jobs in Wuwu. Due to the lack of high -quality managers, business personnel, and technical personnel, they are not familiar with the rules of international trade, do not understand the competition in the international market, they are not familiar with the jewelry industry, and Wuzhou gems have lost a lot of good development opportunities.
    5. The platform and management set up by the government
    Wuzhou International Gem Gemstones is a significant advantage platform built by the Wuzhou government. And to promote the Wuzhou gem brand to the world. However, after the eight sessions, the participation and enthusiasm of gem companies are declining. How to make the Gemstones often new, how to further play the platform for the gem festival to promote the function of the gem festival, and increase the promotion of the clustering and scale of the gem industry, which has become a major topic at present.
    The government's guidance and management of the gem industry has always been difficult to meet the development needs of the gem industry. On the one hand, gem cutting and polishing enterprises have been scattered in the residential area for many years. The number of enterprises without business licenses is large, there are many employees, and the supervision is difficult. In addition, the tax industry's tax contribution is small. There is no unified management agency. In August 2010, Wuzhou City established the Leading Group for the Development of the Gem Industry to coordinate and solve the problems of the planning and construction of the gemstone industry park, and formulate relevant policies to support the development of the gem industry. However, from the perspective of the operation of the work leadership group for more than a year, due to various objective reasons such as weak personnel and personnel changes, the effect is not obvious, and it has not played the role of its due functions. At present, the management departments related to the gem industry in Wuzhou City are scattered in the Municipal Gem Office, the Municipal Industry and Information Commission, and the Gem Bureau of the Dieshan District. The units to implement and a large number of good demands of gem companies cannot be reflected in the city leaders in time.
    The staff of the 8th Wuzhou International Gem Gemstones Jewelry Jade Jewelry Exhibition introduced to the guests
    . Some practices to promote the development of the artificial gem industry in Wuzhou City
    1. Change the traditional concept, attach importance to the gem industry industry Value
    The gem industry is a high -tech and high value -added industry. However, there are still many departmental units and individuals who have negative concepts on the artificial gem industry. The "chicken rib" industry with low added value and low contribution to fiscal tax does not pay attention, do not pay attention, does not support, does not support, or even degrade exclusion. In fact, a regular gem company is a large and taxable household. Taking Wuzhou Cangwu Xuping Jewelry Company as an example, Xuping Jewelry Company was produced in Cangwu's leased room. In 2011, the tax was 5.8 million yuan. In the first half of 2012, the tax amount had exceeded 4 million yuan. Essence In addition, according to research and analysis, a park that can accommodate 10 large and medium -sized gem jewelry companies can generate more than 100 million yuan in fiscal tax in one year.
    2. Establish a gem industry management agency at the city level
    The jewelry exhibition hall
    (1) further play the role of the gem industry development work leading group The personnel of the office guide the development of the gem industry from the aspects of strategic planning, layout, and positioning, clarify the division of responsibilities, and do a good job of supervision and implementation.
    (2) Integrate the functions and resources of the Municipal Gem Office, the Municipal Industry and Information Commission, and the Gem Bureau of the Dieshan District. Layout, positioning, guidance, support, etc., guide industry associations to strengthen self -discipline, promote the construction of gemstone industrial parks, increase the standardization and rectification of the gem trading market, establish a reasonable government supervision system and market access supervision mechanism, strengthen gemstone standards Establish, increase the supervision of standards, strengthen the access to the gem machinery industry, establish a rational flow and training mechanism for talents, create a multi -platform service that is conducive to the development of the gem industry, and truly build the gem industry into Wuzhou's characteristic pillar industry in Wuzhou City Essence
    This Gem Gemon City panorama
    3. Grasp the development opportunities, adjust the layout, and accelerate the formation of a new situation in the gem industry
    (1) Seize the opportunity and promote the development of the gem industry towards high -end development. Seize the construction of the Guangdong -Guizhou cooperation inspection area, the expansion of the domestic market demand, the adjustment of the domestic industrial structure, and the promotion of the industrial transfer of the eastern industry, actively adjust the industrial structure, promote the development of the gem industry from the middle of the middle product to the upstream and downstream high value -added products. From rough processing to deep processing, manual development to mechanical inlaid production, from decentralized processing to centralized processing methods, promote the interactive development of gem development and production, gem processing and circulation, gem culture and tourism, and push the gem industry to a higher level Essence
    (2) Create a global gem trading center to really introduce the gem company headquarters. Give full play to the advantages of gem city, gemstone distribution, trade and information centers, promote the construction of gem city and Gem Building to international and professional construction, and further improve the supporting support of gem transactions, production, appraisal, transportation, taxation, customs clearance, catering, accommodation and other supporting facilities Services, form a strong, perfect, fast, and secure service network, guide the gem company headquarters to Wuzhou to settle, guide the gem company to upgrade the office to a branch of a branch, etc. Improve the status of Wuzhou Gem Capital, and create a global artificial gem trading center and jewelry and jade exhibition center.
    (3) Reasonable layout to accelerate the formation of a new situation of the gem industry. First, focus on the introduction of upstream raw material production enterprises and downstream inlaid enterprises to increase support and support; two stabilize production and processing categories, expand raw materials supply, support machinery and equipment enterprises and personnel in Wuzhou to prevent the industrial foundation from "hollowing out "; Third, actively support the development of high -tech gem companies with independent brands and technology patents, encourage extensive cooperation with national defense, industry, business, and technology, and expand the category of artificial gemstones. The fourth is to solidly promote the construction of villages and towns in rural gem processing, and encourage counties (cities, districts) to make full use of the existing labor resources and local small hydropower and other advantages in rural areas, develop gem raw materials production and fine grinding processing, build an artificial gem processing industry hinterland, form a formation Gem processing professional villages and towns.
    4. Adapt to local conditions, accelerate the planning and construction of the gemstone industry park, improve the overall level of the industry
    (1) Construction of gemstone industrial parks, guide gem processing retail investors into the park to centrally process and produce, focusing on the introduction of gem raw materials production enterprises and gemstones Deep processing, accessories processing and other well -known enterprises at home and abroad have gradually formed a manufacturing cluster to create a gem processing and manufacturing base that integrates raw materials, machinery, grinding, inlaying and design. As early as 2010, the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government began to study people from all walks of life on promoting the construction of artificial gemstone industrial parks. They hope to optimize the integration of artificial gem industrial resources through the construction of industrial parks, cultivate and introduce leading enterprises. Low efficiency, hidden production safety hazards, environmental pollution (including noise disturbing the people) and other issues. Wuzhou has initially completed the planning and design plan of two gem industrial parks. One is located at Tangyuan Industrial Base, and the other is located in the Cangwu County Industrial Park to increase support and solve the biggest bottleneck of land use indicators.
    (2) Accelerate the construction of Butterfly Mountain Gem raw materials production bases, introduce 8 to 10 upstream product manufacturers to achieve gem raw materials production and electroplating integration. The total investment of the Gemstone Industrial Park project in Dieshan District is 5 billion yuan, covering a total area of ​​1,500 acres, and the total construction period is 5 years. After the completion of the comprehensive construction, the park can settle in more than 50 jewelry, gemstone crystal raw materials and related supporting companies, including 20 well -known brands at home and abroad. 100 million yuan, more than 20,000 employment.
    Foreign negotiations of the Gem Festival Festival
    (3) Promote the construction of Cangwu Jewelry Gem Garden, and create a comprehensive industrial park integrating inlaid, display, and tourism. Cangwu County built the county's artificial gemstone jewelry processing industrial park into its special economic industry. The planned development and construction area is 1,000 acres, and it is important to build a modern artificial gemstone jewelry processing trade industry base that integrates commercial tourism, sightseeing and leisure, shopping display and promoting artificial gem jewelry culture and art. Through the construction and development of Cangwu County Jewelery Processing Industrial Park, for 5 years, the total output value of the park enterprises reached 10 billion yuan, achieved a profit and tax of 300 million yuan, and an additional employment of 30,000 people.
    (4) Adjust the Lotus Commercial City into a concentrated area of ​​gem processing. Lotus Commercial City is located in the city industrial park, covering an area of ​​25 acres and a construction area of ​​45,000 square meters. It is very suitable for the work, life, and sales of gem processors. At present, 35 gem processors from Longshanli, keel rushing, lower rush, Xichong, West Ring Road, and Bubu Road have been rented and the aircraft processing operators have been settled. Therefore, it is recommended to reach an agreement with Wuzhou China Austrian Real Estate Marketing Planning Co., Ltd. as soon as possible, and plan to carry out corporate relocation work in steps and steps to turn the Lotus Commercial City into a new area of ​​gem processing.
    (5) The Tongyuan Chemical Park was renamed to Tangyuan Biochemical High -tech Industrial Park, and the high -tech industrial base of Langye was set up. As a rare titanium ethnic element, rare metals "锆" also has outstanding nuclear properties. It is an indispensable material for developing atomic energy industries. Large nuclear power plants in my country are generally used. The oxygen chloride is widely used in nuclear reactors for coating materials. According to the National Development and Reform Commission plan, in 2020, my country will build 28 nuclear power plants, adding 30 million kilowatts of nuclear power. As far as this is concerned, the demand for cricket alloys is huge. At present, my country's companies operating production of cricket products include 5 including Guangdong Dongfang Zheye Technology Co., Ltd. The above -mentioned companies are related to the main component of Wuzhou gems. Over time and the completion of the Wuzhou Yiye Base, it is not impossible for these companies to enter.
    5. Improve policy supporting and implement the development of key areas
    (1) Create a leading enterprise. Choose upstream product manufacturers with strong strength and good prospects and downstream gem inlaid enterprises. As a leading enterprise, we will focus on support, give the best preferential policies in land, water, and electricity, reduce administrative costs, and urban and rural public utilities in electricity charges The surcharges can be returned by the municipal finance amount, and the fixed -point pricing and appropriate subsidy of the financial subsidy can be implemented. For the development of gemstone villages (town) construction and farmers' income gemstone leading enterprises in Wuzhou City, the government has been developed near Wuzhou City, and the government implements loan discounts or subsidies for newly added fixed asset investment (including fixed investment and investment in technology reform projects), and Give appropriate rewards.
    Wangfu Industrial Processing Zone
    The staff of the 8th Wuzhou International Gemstone Festival Jewelery Jewelry Jewelry Exhibition introduced to the guests
    (2) Creating independent brands and well -known trademarks. Accelerate the implementation of the "Wuzhou Gem Jewelry Enterprise to open the Award Measures for the Wuzhou Gem Store Sales Store" in a foreign country, expand the impact of the external publicity of the gem industry in Wuzhou, and enhance the company's awareness of the brand. Every year, the government draws out some funds from the city's support enterprise development funds, and establishes the establishment of jewelry brands and trademark support funds to support gem enterprises to develop new products and create brand trademarks. Implement a brand -name strategy, organize special forces to help enterprises implement a one -stop card plan from product research and development, quality levels, market propaganda to patent declaration. Reward the companies that have obtained famous brands or famous trademarks at all levels. For foreign companies and merchants transferred to Wuzhou production and operation, they can enjoy the same preferential support policies and rewards of gem companies in Wuzhou.
    (3) Encourage the development of new products. Encourage gems enterprises to introduce advanced production equipment and technology, rely on scientific and technological innovation to enhance the gem industry; encourage gem companies to jointly develop new gem products with Chinese jewelry and jade jewelry industry associations, Wuzhou College and other institutions or experts, focusing on developing gem deep processing and marginal industries.
    (4) Increase export service. Actively encourage gem companies to expand the business and scope of import and export operations, and continue to open up the international market. Create conditions to allow customs electronic reporting terminal systems to settle in gem city and gem garden, and handle the import and export delivery business of gem processing enterprises nearby to provide convenient and efficient customs clearance services. Expand the Wuzhou Gem business to the proportion of directly exported to Hong Kong and other places from this city, and actively assist leading enterprises to apply for customs to grant A -level credit enterprises; actively communicate with Wugang through the traffic, and strive for the filing of the Wuzhou gem processing export enterprise and the contract for the contract. Import and export inspection by Wuzhou Command Card.
    6. Standardize industry management, optimize the development environment
    (1) Standardize industry management and improve service level. Clarify the responsibilities of government departments and industry associations, distinguish between different nature, tasks, functions, and working methods of government departments and industry associations, scientifically formulate the administrative management functions of government agencies and the management functions of industry associations, and clarify the division of labor. Strengthen the establishment of laws and regulations on the rights and obligations of industry associations, enhance the management and service capabilities of the association, and play the role of the association.
    (2) Establish industry standards, improve the detection system, and improve the level of detection. Formulate the operating rules of artificial gemstones production, inspection, factory, and transaction, actively apply for national and international standards, and promote the gradually implement standardized and standardized management of artificial gemstones. It is necessary to cultivate and introduce senior talents with national registered jewelry and jade quality inspectors, and upgrade and improve the technical force and testing equipment of the Wuzhou Quality and Technical Supervision Department. It is necessary to strengthen the management of appraisal institutes and evaluation staff and evaluation costs, so that the appraisal testing work creates good conditions for the development of the gem industry, and build the Wuzhou artificial gem product quality test center into a national test center.
    (3) Rectify market order and build a harmonious society. First, we must increase the standardized management of the circulation department. Second, we must strengthen the management of the taxation of gem production trade. Third, we must strictly check the supervision of outbound products. Fourth, we must strengthen the environmental protection and public security management of gem processing, guide employees to enter the gem processing park or a specific concentrated area for centralized production, and gradually prohibit the grinding and processing artificial gemstone in the residential area of ​​the residential house. Fifth, we must improve various systems serving the artificial gem industry, encourage the establishment of more gem design, talent training, information communication and other intermediary companies or companies, actively introduce the extension industry and enterprises that digest a large number of artificial gemstones, and further extend the artificial artificial artificial artificially The gem industry chain and the basis of expanding the source of tax.
    (4) Implement talent strategy and gather gem elites. The first is to carry out multi -level, diversified gem technology education and talent training. Use existing artificial gem training bases to cultivate different levels of professional talents for the gem industry; Wuzhou College takes the major construction project of the autonomous region -gem processing laboratory and the "jewelry design and manufacturing" major as the carrier to strengthen and enterprises to strengthen and enterprise Cultivate senior talents in the design, manufacturing, appraisal, and marketing of jewelry design, manufacturing, appraisal, and marketing. The second is to vigorously introduce gem research and development institutions and high -end talents, and create high -level gem product research and development centers. All senior gem professionals who apply or bring their own patented technology to Wuzhou City can enjoy the special treatment stipulated in Wuzhou's relevant talent policies in Wuzhou; create a gem research and development institution for high -level independent innovation in Wuzhou, increase the research and development of new products , Promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.
    It Greentown Water Dapae Supreme
    7. Do a good job of support for the gem festival and create a gemstone cultural development atmosphere
    (1) Insist on running the "Wuzhou International Gemstone Festival". The annual gem festival must work hard to promote the development of the gem industry, innovate content and form, and highlight local characteristics and fashion themes. It is necessary to strengthen the implementation of planning and organization, introduce large consortia, large companies and media institutions, and gradually implement market -oriented operations. It is necessary to attract investment merchants in more countries and regions to come to negotiate, purchase and tourism, and promote the interaction between Wuzhou gem industry and tourism cultural characteristics industries. Strengthen the construction of hardware and software such as gem city, gemstone building, and strive to build its "International Gem Trading Center" commercial brand, continuously expand the attractiveness and influence of the "Wuzhou International Gem Festival Festival", and enhance the economic and social benefits of the gem festival.
    (2) Create "Wuzhou Gem Trade Cultural Tourism Street". Centers centered on gem city, gemstone building and gemstone park, and the decorative Bubu Road and West Ring Road forms gemstone cultural tourism with artificial gemstones, jewelry, craft antiques, local specialties, diet and leisure, industrial tourism and other characteristics industry. At the same time, adding artificial gemstones, jewelery and jewelry exhibition exhibition sites such as the "Wuzhou Featured Products Street" such as "Wuzhou Featured Products", and exert the tourism function of the gemstone.
    (3) Strengthen publicity and cultivate the market. By inviting in and out, use various media methods to vigorously promote the Wuzhou gem brand, expand the popularity of Wuzhou gemstones, and show the charm of Wuzhou gem industry. Through market operations, we must hold more activities, participate in overseas display, form a good atmosphere of service gems, support gems, support gems, and guide the healthy development of the gem industry.
    8. Actively seeking policy support for the construction of gemstone industry parks
    A actively seeking support of the China Treasure Association and solving development bottlenecks. Wuzhou is a characteristic industrial base of 22 jewelry jewelry in the country in Wuzhou. After reporting with the city leaders and the China Treasure Association, China treasure collaboration will be coordinated on the construction land indicators of the gem industrial park.
    The road of construction of Chinese jewelry jewelry characteristic industrial base
    The road of construction of Chinese jewelry and jade jewelry characteristic industrial base

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