Buy one price in stock transactions, buy a second price and sell one price. What does it mean to sell the second price? Intersection

4 thoughts on “Buy one price in stock transactions, buy a second price and sell one price. What does it mean to sell the second price? Intersection”

  1. Buying one price in stock transactions refers to the current price of buying the stock at the highest. Buying a second price refers to the buying price of one price after one price. Hanging at the highest selling price, selling two prices refers to the selling price after the one -selling price.
    The buy one price is the highest price for buying, and it is also the price that is ranked at the top in the process of buying in the application. my country's stock transactions implement the principle of priority priority and time priority. When buying stocks, those with high declaration prices are preferred. When selling stocks, those with low declaration prices are preferred. The buying price and selling price in the five -file market are just a "shouting price", which is the intention of buying and selling. Sell.
    The selling price is the minimum price of selling, and it is also the first price that is ranked in the first price in the sales declaration. my country's stock transactions implement the principle of priority priority and time priority. When buying stocks, those with high declaration prices are preferred. When selling stocks, those with low declaration prices are preferred. The buying price and selling price in the five -file market are just a "shouting price", which is the intention of buying and selling. Sell.
    The stock transactions are the sale of stocks. There are two main forms of stock transactions, one is to buy and sell stocks through the stock exchange, called on -site transactions; the other is not to buy and sell stocks through the stock exchange, which is called off -site transactions. Most stocks are bought and sold in the stock exchange. Overseas transactions are only comprehensive in the United States. Other countries are either without or in the budding stage. If customers want to buy and sell stocks, they should first find an account company to open accounts. (2) Pass instructions. After opening an account, customers can buy and sell stocks through his agent. Every time they buy and sell their stocks, customers buy and sell instructions to the broker company. The company quickly passes the customer instruction to its agent in the exchange and is executed by the broker. (3) The transaction process, as soon as the agent in the exchange receives the instruction, he quickly goes to the trading station of the sale of such stocks (in the trading hall, execute the command. (4) delivery, after the buying and selling stocks are transaed, the buyer pays cash Obtained stocks, sellers handed over the stock to obtain cash. Some of the delivery procedures were performed after the transaction, and some were completed within a certain period of time, such as a few days to dozens of days. Should the issuing company that holds the shares go through the transfer procedures, that is, register his own name and the number of shares holding the shareholders of the company. After completing this step, the stock transaction is the final completion.

  2. When the stock price arrives at one price, the system will automatically match the transaction.
    1. The price of one to five to buy is the highest price of the five commissioned commission. The number of the number after one to buy five is the "hand" number of entrusted to buy at each price.
    2. Similarly, the price of one to five is the lowest price of the five commissioned prices. The number that sells one to the five is the number of "hands" commissioned at each price.

  3. Buying one price in stock transactions refers to the current price of buying the stock at the highest. Buying a second price refers to the buying price of one price after one price. Hanging at the highest selling price of the stock, the selling price refers to the selling price after the selling price after one price. Such a push ... Generally, if you want to be sold immediately, the price is available when buying. Hanging to buy a price is easier to deal. Of course, this situation is the operation when the stock market is relatively smooth. When the stock market is floating up and down intensely, sometimes it must be available at 0.5-1 corners to buy. Only one corner can be sold, it depends on the situation.

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