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  1. wholesale mexican silver jewelry 1: Ming Sao is easy to hide, darkness and difficult to prevent
    2: You come and send text messages called letter communication, frequently send text messages calling a letter climax, boring text messages to others called faith harassment, only accepting or not called letter is called letter, not called letter. Cold, just call without writing text messages called letter incompetence.
    3: Birds are big, all forests have
    4: The hooligan is not terrible, just afraid that the hooligan will have culture
    5: The longer you contact people, the more I like dogs, dogs, dogs It is always dog, sometimes people are not people!
    6: Good marriage allows you to get good experience. Bad marriage allows you to get bad experiences. Not good or bad marriage allows you to get a pair of children and bills
    7: Marriage is like a maze. The person who covered the marriage himself had lost his way.
    8: There is no difficulty in driving.
    10: Spring is full of gardens. I seduce red apricot out of the wall
    11: Not afraid of opponents like God, I am afraid of pig -like teammates.
    12: If you do n’t sleep in the classroom, you buried drunk on the wine table
    13: Do everything that ordinary things are good, that is, to do everything that is simple
    14 : The comrades have not worked hard, and the revolution still needs to succeed.
    15: If you can't put on a wedding dress for your beloved woman, please stop your hand to unlock her clothes.
    16: Don't say that others are sick in your brain. The premise of the disease of the brain is that you must have a brain to talk about mood phrases
    17: After seeing me, you will suddenly find that handsome handsome can be like this!
    18: Listening to the king's words, self -hanging southeast branches
    19: The only way to get happiness is to cherish what you have, forget the aesthetics of the pig I can basically be regarded as a handsome guy
    21: Don't tell me you love me.
    2: Life is like a trip.
    3: People do n’t offend me, I do n’t offend people; if people commit me, they will give me three points; if people commit me again, I still have a needle; I am not afraid of the obstruction of thousands of people, I am afraid of surrender
    25: The life of a person is like shit, and sometimes you have worked hard to come out. Wait, why can't you love me, even a little bit
    27: I would rather be proud and moldy. The tears I fell on the keyboard. Han Han
    29: The guest officer pleases himself.
    31: Others are pretending to be serious, then I can only pretend to be improper
    32: Don't wait for everyone to say that you are really ugly when you are ugly!
    33: Brushing your teeth is a sad and happy thing, because holding a cup in one hand and holding the washing utensils in one hand
    34: Playing with feelings? I will make you cry very rhythmic. Funny sentences
    35: I heard a certain name, remembering something, the city was quiet.
    36: The tongue is longer than the teeth, and the software is longer than the hardware.

    super humorous funny classic sentences

    1. I never write a measure, but I write fake words!

    2. The effect of contraception: If it is unsuccessful, it becomes a "person".

    3. Love me, just put on a wedding dress for me, and then strip it by myself.

    4. The face is something outside the body, but it is necessary, money is necessary, you have to.

    5. Some people are alive and she is dead. Some people live, he should have died!

    6. Don't think that my handsome handsome thinks that I am out of reach unattainable. In fact, I am Hainan.

    7. Eat, I do whatever I want, thin, and I do whatever I want.

    8. Before you have a rush to dip the flowers, you have been pulled out by others.

    9. Lady is an unexpressed Bikachu. The gentleman is a wolf wearing wolf.

    10. There are so many brain disability in the world, but you have become the best among them.

    11. Who is my future girlfriend in love now?

    12. Thank you for grabbing my object and let me know that he is like a human.

    13. In front of the beauty: there is danger to save, and there is no danger to create danger.

    14. The people born are not afraid of death, and those who are afraid of death are not born, so don't pretend to be horizontal!

    15. Give me a woman, I can create a nation; give me a bottle of wine, I can lead them to conquer the world!

    16. Drive by a friend's car. When I returned the car, I rushed and applauded

    17. Even if my heart was a donkey liver and lung, it was enough to feed a dog's stomach.

    18. Erection is not a panacea, but it cannot be erected but it cannot be!

    19. Do not sleep in the classroom, and get drunk on the wine table.

    20. WeChat is a nest, just making the mobile phone into an intercom.

    21. I went to the city to participate in the pigeon competition yesterday. As a result, I went alone.

    22. What should I do if I meet a snake in the wild? Don't panic, support a warm smile, hold up an umbrella, pretending to be Xu Xian

    23, there must be roads in front of the lane, I can't help with the way.

    24. Mom said: Even if you are jealous, you have to drink soy sauce, and you can't let others look down on.

    25. I am a special person, I am an ordinary person, so I am a particularly ordinary person.

    26. Life is like news networking, not to escape from a stand.

    7. In the past, she always liked her heart wide. In fact, it was nothing more than an airport!

    28. Because I love you with my heart, I can only give up you without heart.

    29. It is really creative and so courageous!

    30. Since I became shit, no one stepped on my head again.

    31. The place where the place is prohibited from urination, and the offenders confiscate the tools.

    32, the sky collapses, you are standing, I cushion!

    33. Listening to Jun's words, save ten books!

    34. Brother, do you reduce the resolution on your face?

    35. If the test is rewarded with QB, the country will be rich immediately.

    [Super humorous funny classic sentence two]

    1. Everyone says that I am ugly, I will be sad, young, my eyes are blind.

    2. The reason why I grow old is because I don't want to live for a lifetime.

    3. There is really no jacket that can be compared with the school uniform. The sleeves can be hidden in the mobile phone, the pocket can be installed in the pocket, the pillow is rolled up, and the blanket is spread out.

    . Many people say that I can eat by my face. I don't want to eat.

    5. Single for a long time, I suddenly found that when I saw the sow, I also felt that it was very eye -catching.

    6. "How can you describe a person's face politely?" "Looking at your face from a distance, as if you are in front of you." I won't know, which friend will become the next micro -business.

    8. The wind outside is so big, I am so scared. In case others are scraped away, I can't scrape it, how shameless.

    9. When you are young, try not to fall in love early. You know that you lack charm, ugly and short, which will affect the exam.

    10. Women should be better to yourself, otherwise once you are exhausted, someone will sleep with your man

    11. Friends are like quilts, which really makes you warm It is your own temperature.

    12. The mosquito that damn people, I am not your dad, what do you always eat me to drink me ...

    13. Life is sometimes like a computer, saying that it is crashing, just say it is crashing. Fighting, no discussion.

    14. The most exciting thing about life is not the moment of realization, but the process of adhering to the dream!

    15. Do you have to wholesale together to go to the toilet? Don't be so obvious!

    16. I want to sleep during class, I want to eat while sleeping, and I want to read a book while eating. Alas, I am anxious for you!

    17. Failure is the mother of success! Why didn't I even have a child once?

    18. I still remember that friends who were very good before were getting colder.

    19. People fall in love with looks, routines, and burn money, and I blindly rely on the other party.

    . It is very tired to be a handsome person. I really have a deep understanding.

    classic funny sad humorous sentences
    1. Society is progressing, today society people like to play one night stand. I do n’t know whose wife is lying on your bed tonight, and I do n’t know who your wife is lying on the bed.
    2. I can't make you happy tonight, but I will definitely make you comfortable.
    3. I am not satisfied with some people, because I am not RMB, nor because some people are people.
    4. I want to tell the girl I like, I am as loyal to your love as RMB.
    5. Society is progressing. When the boss's people always want to have a secretary around, because there is something to do with the secretary, no book is the secretary.
    6. Sao returns to Sao, Sao has virginity, cheapness, and dignity.
    7. I don't know why people live, so I still live so far.
    8. If you believe him, he is the truth! You love him, he is God! You don't love her, she is not as good as shit!
    . Why is the RMB so valuable because the image spokesperson is Grandpa Mao.
    10. The most important thing in life is the position of the place, but the direction of the dynasty. It is also a B. You can turn north to NB all the way. If you break through the south wall, you can only be an SB.
    11. Men cannot wear wedding dresses for women, please do not unlock her underwear!
    12. There is no Great Wall in the world. Whenever a man abandons a woman, a woman plays a brick on the ground. After a long time, there is a Great Wall!
    13. Women have paid sex for love, men have paid love for sex!
    14. No passionate kiss, where to roll on the bed, no physical friction, where is the spark of love!
    15. Men's words can deceive women overnight, but a woman's sentence can deceive men throughout their lives!
    16. Can you use your face to swipe your face on the street?
    17. No desire, you can only show that you are numb!
    18. Everything is increasing, that is, people are getting cheaper!
    19. Life is like being raped. If you ca n’t resist, enjoy it!
    20. The so -called love words are what you say that you do n’t believe it, but you want the other party to believe it.
    Classic funny sad humorous sentences
    1. Beautiful fantasy can't reach the cruelty of reality.
    2. I am proud of my flat chest, I am a national provincial fabric.
    . The salary is like an aunt, once a month, and it is gone for about a week.
    4. Because I used to be too heartbroken, I was heartless.
    5. The distance is not beautiful, but a third party.
    6. Others laughed at me too sensuality, I laughed at others and not open.
    7. I can't help this year.
    8. I am not as perfect as you think, and money and beauty are enough to conquer me!
    9. When the money stands up and speaks, all the truth is silent!
    10. You are so good B, why didn't Tiananmen hang your photos?
    11. Shenzhou Xing, I see! I don’t pay, it ’s okay to see you?
    12. Poor Nike, Fuji, rogue in Armani.
    13. Pretending is only an instant, shameless is eternal!
    14. Men are dumped, money is issued; women are dumped, appearance problems, I am thrown, you fuck your head is a problem!
    15. If the silence is gold, my brother has already been entangled!
    The more sad classic humorous sentences
    1. So shameless, so heartless, your weight should be very light?
    . Don't always ask others why others are unwilling to ignore you, don't want to talk to you, because you are too rare and don't want to take care of your reality? Do you believe it?
    3. Niubi is always more trendy than clothes. The old models have not been out of date, and the new model comes out.
    4. The person who can do "think twice and go" is not because he is smart and rational, but because he is afraid of being scolded by others and his uncle.
    5. Is the child of the two B -blood types 2B blood type?
    6. A man will not be a room for a long time, and his wife is uncomfortable. One day he asked his wife to take off the mirror, and his wife took care of it. He separated his wife's legs and asked his wife after putting his chin on his wife's genitals: Is it good for me to stay beard?
    7. One migrant worker did not go to the hospital for examination. After the doctor's examination, the prescription was prescribed for this person. The migrant worker went to the medicine office to see a roll of hand paper. I puzzled. Wipe your butt.
    8. The eight major is indifferent: the leader worshiped you not drink, the leader you touched first, the leader walked the car, the leader speaks you, the leader's private affairs, you take a bath, you can take off the food first, you turn to the table for you , Leader listen to the card, you touch yourself.
    9. A woman's chest is difficult to marry. When the blind date, the man asked whether there is a bun? Intersection The female says there! Intersection Men then agreed to the marriage. On the wedding night, the man ran out of the cave room and shouted: "Oh my god, Wang Zi Xiaobao!"
    10. A certain king was drunk and entered the women's toilet to vomit. It coincided with a small solution, and a certain monarch heard anger and said, ‘I’ m not drinking, why do I still pour alcohol? ‘The female hearing sounded urgently, but she was farting, and Jun heard the sound of anger:‘ Who fucks a bottle!
    11. The Beijing -Kowloon Railway is opened to traffic, the farmers along the line are watched. A female guest in the car came to the holiday. After changing the paper, the window was still out of the window. The paper greeted a farmer's face. Floating paper can smash the nose bleeding!
    12. Two historical teachers are married, and they are both two marriages; after entering the cave room, the woman goes out to the next couple: the night attack Pearl Harbor, the beauty is frightened (fine); Devar (gain) surrender; horizontal batch: Second War!
    13. In the evening, the fool visits the park to see the couple ****, love to see. In the morning, when I saw a man doing push -ups, I looked at it carefully. The man was furious: Stupid B what do you see! The fool said: You are stupid B, the people underneath are left!
    14. A young man saw a beautiful collar on the bus that was very low, and the spring was leaked. There is a place where you raise you '!
    15. Miss one ordered a stir -fry whip flower while eating, and accidentally fell between her legs when she was sandwiched. The lady was shocked: This stuff is really amazing! After cooking and chopping it, it still knows the way!
    F funny humorous sentence
    1, hi! Did you receive my text message? What else, laugh, laugh, okay? You laughed very beautifully.
    2. How sad to ask Jun is just like a snowflake beer.
    3. I would rather be fat and exquisite, and don't be thin.
    4. The boy I once loved has the most handsome back in the world.
    5. Life is only three days, and people who live in yesterday are confused; those who live in tomorrow are waiting; those who live in today are the most practical.
    6. Why don't you find a quiet place to dig the brain cells?
    7. Everyone should love animals because they are delicious.
    8. My heart is not a bus, and you sit down if you have time.
    9. Women have no talent for virtue, I must be too lacking.
    10. In spring I bury corn in the soil, and I will gain a lot of corn in autumn. I bury my wife in the soil in spring, and I will be shot in the autumn!
    11. Who is his husband, fucking temporary workers.
    12. Do you know what the big character is? It is a little person who has been working hard.
    13. The hair is trace, and the dandruff is more outstanding.
    14. The medicine is not medical and false, and the wine is really sad.
    15. In a quiet night, a person secretly miss you, it has become my most hidden happiness. With you several times in my dreams, I won't want to get up in love, indulging myself to possess your tenderness.
    16. I am trying to make money now to buy a 20xx aircraft ticket.
    17. The ideal world = free phone free Internet access.
    18. What is not terrible to die is that you dare not die.
    19. It was not that I was not careful, but I deliberately!
    20. You are called diving brother.
    21. If the two are in a long time, it is also romantic with big eyes and small eyes.
    2. When the mood is depressed, take the landlord's toothbrush to brush the toilet.
    3. The road to success is always under construction.
    24. I don't know if you don't live well.
    25. The boss came with a bowl of tears.
    26. Sorry, the signature is too personal, resulting in the system that cannot be displayed, please refresh.
    7. Do you think you are beautiful? Do you know that Youlemei is a disposable utensil?
    8, I am not RMB, how can everyone like me? Intersection
    9. Life is like a trip.
    30. Don't discharge me, because I have a caller ID here.
    31. Every day ... I miss you ... I have a happy and worrying about you, I am really confusing for you, I am sad, I dare not change my heart, don’t be doubtful, I am very troublesome to write it. I'm afraid you are inadvertent.
    32. When is the Mingyue, I asked the wine to ask Qingtian ... Qingtian said: Get your mother, I am so busy, how can I have time to ignore you and see the weather forecast by myself.
    33. How can your nonsense more than Hunan Satellite TV's advertisements!
    34. The most useless thing in the world is the salary bar. After looking at it, rubbing his butt too thin.
    35. What is the cut? The head of the head is not the big scar. After 18 years, Lao Tzu is another zombie.
    36. I sincerely want to make money into my hobby.
    37. My ears are not thrown here.
    38, gentleman is nothing more than patient wolf.
    39. Mermaid I love you only if you can't cheat.
    40, I want to let the whole world know that I am low -key.
    41. You reveal half of your buttocks does not mean that your sexy can only indicate that your underwear is small.
    42. Someone's purpose: A stinky leather, killing three Zhuge Liang.
    43. Eat light with light, gambling and gambling, gambling.
    44. If we do not love enough in this life, the next life will be long.
    45. I never knew that he was weaker than me before he bullied him ...
    46, the banknotes are not universal, and sometimes I need a credit card.
    47. Excuse me: Is it the sun or the moon in the sky? I'm sorry I am not a locals!
    48, the road of life, there will always be a few wrong steps.
    49. I have always been insomnia recently and wake up once in 16 hours.
    50. The mind is daily necessities, not decorations.
    51. There is milk for men. For women, money is Lang.
    52, count the low points of the star IQ with me for a few months.
    53. The logo of immature men can be for the desired sacrifice. The logo of the mature man can live for the humbleness.
    54. The most often said that people who are thick -skinned are that I treat you.
    55. I also want to be an elegant lady to force the old lady into a span.
    56, cucumber is shot, life lies in hi.
    57. I want to lose weight into a lightning light to illuminate all the wretched fat people.
    58. Signature is changed every day.
    59. The reason for rejecting confession is often that the two of us are not in the world. Did I come from Mars? Isn't it appropriate to earth people?
    60. Read your information quietly. Thank you for letting me accompany you. Thank you for giving me soft and loving.
    61. I chase you in the arrow of Cupid to chase you wearing a bulletproof vest and fly.
    62. Cut the wires with a kitchen knife, spark the lightning all the way.
    63. Everyone says that I am ugly, in fact, I am just beautiful.
    64. Your smile is brilliant than the shit in the sun.
    65. Looking at your photos, I mobilized P into a black and white wall!
    66. Don't be nervous, I'm not a good person ...

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