4 thoughts on “Chengdu Digital RMB red envelopes are opened, which information is worth noting?”

  1. Chengdu Digital RMB red envelope test is opened. The attempt is very good. It can stimulate consumption and make the issuance of digital RMB further. It's a good attempt.
    First of all, the RMB digital red envelope can make the development of digital RMB further. China's mobile payment market is huge and grows rapidly. Payment methods and products are constantly emerging, and the level of payment services has continued to improve. It has become a unique landscape in the world. At present, most users have formed the habit of using electronic payment tools. On the other hand, the non -bank payment market has formed a pattern of double -headed monopoly. Large payment institutions monopolize data and scenarios. A large number of transactions in the system have been closed, and it is difficult to effectively implement supervision. It not only violates the legitimate rights and interests of customers, but also is not conducive to fair competition and financial risk prevention. In this case, the issuance of digital RMB is very important and urgent.
    Secondly, the distribution of digital red envelopes this time is similar to consumer coupons, which can play a role in some consumer coupons and stimulate consumption. Consumer coupon policy is defined as a relief method to help low -income groups improve living conditions and maintain social stability. This consumption certificate that is distributed to low -income groups or wider groups that require social assistance has internal logic with maximizing marginal utility. From the perspective of welfare economics, this is an effective means to enhance overall social welfare.
    The development of digital currencies has forced central banks in many countries to develop and launch their own legal digital currencies. The legal digital currency issued by the central bank itself has the characteristics of standard currency. As a new form of standard currency, it is a real currency. However, the decentralization of private digital currencies, the uncertainty of the distribution institutions, and the limited amount of issuance are likely to cause sharp price fluctuations. It is easier to become speculative than trading medium.
    The earlier study of digital renminbi in China. If we carry out international cooperation with legal digital currencies and strengthen information sharing and experience exchanges with digital currency research and development and regulatory regulatory in other countries and international organizations, it will help better promote digital currency services to the world, help China better better better Ginseng is in international financial governance.
    The sharp rise and decline of the digital currency market prices represented by Bitcoin and Ethernet all reflect its huge volatility. The International Clearance Bank and the International Monetary Fund also pointed out that lack of strong asset support behind private digital currencies make it difficult to solve the problem of asset value trust. In addition, in some cases, the use of private digital currencies instead of the legal currency is not regulated by the central bank. Private digital currencies also easily cause cross -border capital flows, cover up illegal transactions, and are used for tax evasion and other purposes due to anonymous transactions, which will affect the effect of central bank monetary policy.

  2. According to relevant information, users need to download the Tianfu Citizen Cloud APP, register and authenticate in real -name, and sign up for the QR code for "sweeping". After the bank is successfully registered, the registration will be displayed. Yuan Digital RMB red envelope, announced the results of red envelopes at 18:00 on February 28, 2021 ".

  3. The development prospects of digital RMB are still very good. In the future, they will definitely develop very well in the future. They are supported by many people and optimistic.

  4. It is worth noting: 1. The geographical location of the reservation is in Chengdu. 2. Users need to download the Tianfu Citizen Cloud APP, register and authenticate and pass the "scan" to register the QR code, and select the bank to complete the registration test.

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