1 thought on “Do I have to contact the head teacher with a sub -counseling withdrawal?”

  1. To contact.
    The reason why the ape tutoring has to open the class is because he is afraid that the students will not attend classes and retire. And this kind of phone is generally left for parents. In most cases, parents will not agree with students to retire.
    but because of always retaining students through this marketing method, the result must be counterproductive. Earlier, Ms. Zhao, a first grade of elementary school in Xi'an, reported on the "ape tutoring" online class to the children's "serial call" and "information bombs" -type online class sales, and felt full of marketing routines.
    The parent Wang, the parent of the "Ape Counseling" class, said that the "ape tutoring" sales use the parent group limited time to purchase screenshots to make anxiety, stimulate more parents to buy lessons, unknowingly put it down You will "enter the pit" frequently.
    The marketing routine of the head teacher of the "Ape Counseling" class can be summarized as the following steps:
    The first step, to seduce parents to buy with low -cost courses and exquisite gifts, and ask the children's basic situation after contacting.
    The second step, take the opportunity to sell the curriculum advertisement when reporting the child's class performance, start information and call in turn.
    The third step, open brainwashing through topics such as education, family, husband and wife relationships, and use children and parents psychological pressure.

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