fashion jewelry wholesale in miami What can relatives do as children in the late stages of cancer?

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  1. beades jewelry wholesale Father, or mother should have reached the age of enjoying his old age and having the grandchildren, but unfortunately suffered cancer, and one person suffered from cancer with cancer! In the early days, there may not be much concern and active treatment, but when the cancer is in the late stage, there are more problems. What should children think about? Some suggestions can be referred to.
    . Do you want to fight tumor treatment for advanced cancer? How to treat? This is first to be considered, not to say that in the late stage, it cannot be treated with tumor treatment. Based on the comprehensive evaluation of treatment benefits, the wishes of patients, and economic ability, such as advanced pancreatic cancer and the treatment of gallbladder cancer treatment may not be as good as lung cancer, thyroid cancer, and prostate cancer.
    If the benefit of anti -tumor treatment, or even harmful to survival time, the treatment is mainly based on the quality of life of patients, trying to alleviate various symptoms and reduce the pain of patients.
    The comprehensive inspection and objective assessment. Of course, combined with the opinions of doctors, the family cannot do nothing for granted. Choose anti -tumor treatment as the main or symptomatic treatment.
    . Listening and comfort facing cancer, the patient's psychological pressure is very high, and there are often bad emotions such as irritability, depression, despair, etc. The patient competes.
    . The treatment of cancer pain for cancer pain is very common. Everyone also said that patients have less sin and less pain, but the treatment of cancer pain in reality is not satisfactory. Anesthesia drug control and control, some doctors do not recognize them, and then have the knowledge of patients and family members.
    For example, many people want Du Lengding's pain relief. In the past, cancer pain treatment was also used, but now it is found that the use of Du Lengding pain relief for a long time will cause central damage. The choice of cancer pain is good, but some patients and their families are "stubborn".
    This pain treatment can be followed by specifications. The requirements are stable and continuously relieve patient pain. Standardized therapy can relieve about 85 % of cancer pain.
    . Mo chaos to ask for medical treatment urgency to invest in medical treatment. Most of the advanced treatment is not good. In the era of information explosion, listening to people, online checked, seeking recipes, testing prescriptions, and trying the attitude of trying, but reality There is almost no such thing as possible, and things that fall into the pit often happen.
    The advantage of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of cancer, such as alleviating certain symptoms, and may also have auxiliary effects on some antitumor treatment, but it cannot replace some treatment methods for western medicine, rationally apply Chinese medicine, and cannot be superstitious and excludes western medicine treatment.
    After all, most patients have limited survival time for patients with advanced patients. Treatment should consider the patient's wishes and benefits, do not give up easily, and do not excessively treat. Let the patient pass the last time quietly. Essence I am@我 我, thank you for reading!
    What can you do as a child in the late period of your loved ones? As a child, then this relative is a parent, so you might as well talk about his father or mother. Father or mother has cancer, which is different from ordinary loved ones. It may be said to be the closest loved ones. What can children do as children?

    It cancer, you must first figure out the specific condition. It is estimated that some people will remind me that people have said it is late for cancer, which means that the condition is clear and late. I know that many people are listening to the advanced cancer, and they are all in my heart that this is no longer a drama. Give up, and eat what you want to eat when you go home.

    What is the problem? It shows that many people just follow the trend and never learn some basic medical knowledge. Even cancer is a large type of disease. It is unknown. Cancer is a very complicated category of disease. There are different categories from different angles. For example, humans have different categories from different perspectives. In men and women (gender classification), there are middle -aged and elderly people in children and adolescents ( According to age), there are Chinese, Japanese, Americans. Essence Essence (According to nationality), there are yellow races, black races, white races. Essence Essence (According to the score of human beings), there are more classifications of different angles. Obviously, when you analyze and consider issues, if you always mix the people of the world, it is likely that the conclusion is unreliable. , Even ridiculous.

    The complicated diseases such as cancer, if you always raise cancer when discussing cancer, this kind of broad disease name is mentioned, then it does not make much sense. You do n’t talk about it. How to treat cancer, which kind of cancer do you have to be specific, which installment and more information, if you do n’t even know the types and staging of specific cancer, how can you talk about the treatment? , But do n’t know what bad things are doing (killing and robbery to steal money? The murder is the same as stealing money?), The degree of bad things (such as grabbing money, grab a dollar? Robbing one million? This is too big! ), How can the judge judge? Close your eyes and judge?

    returns to this problem. Someone will say, isn't it said that it is advanced cancer? And it will emphasize the late stage. Yes, I just told the staging in the late stage (and this kind of words are not accurate, which period should be specific to the TNM stag Cancer, obviously, the advanced stage of pancreatic cancer and the advanced breast cancer, the advanced thyroid cancer, and the advanced stage of Hodgkin lymphoma. Essence Essence It is impossible to be the same. Whether it is treatment or prognosis (whether there is a long -term survival or even cure) is different.

    So what can relatives do as children in the advanced period of loved ones? The first thing to do is to go to a reliable hospital for reliable specialties to find reliable doctors, first figure out the condition, and then discuss the next question.
    It depends on this disease. If the early surgery was done for 3.5 years, it was okay to be a loved one. If you have no money to borrow money, we have to do surgery. The operation has been lived for two years. The money is gone without making it. If the loved ones are gone, you will never see it forever. Now the national policy is so good, and there are a lot of ones in the reimbursement of major illnesses. The patient is guilty. If you want to eat whatever you want, you can take care of him. Just have any wishes to complete him.
    In in the hospital, because patients with late elderly cancer patients are often treated, they have seen all kinds of cancer patients with children. Between the treatment costs, some couples have divorced the elderly because of the cure for the elderly; there are also directly put the elderly in the hospital; they are also strong and insufficient, allowing the hospital to treat and help take care of them for a long time. All of the above are no correct understanding of cancer, and there is a misunderstanding of the treatment of cancer. I also have a loved ones to suffer from cancer. I have summarized and shared the experience and lesson in the process of cancer diagnosis and treatment of loved ones, and what I have seen in the elderly and children of cancer for so many years.
    . How to cure advanced cancer? First of all, what advanced cancer is it? If the cancer is very high and the degree of malignancy is very high, and the treatment opportunities have been lost, you want to try to reduce the patient's painful nutritional support, traditional Chinese medicine treatment and tranquility treatment. If the patient still has the hope of surgical treatment, to what level of surgical trauma can patients be evaluated, and then the appropriate surgical treatment is selected. Individual experience in advanced patients with elderly cancer should be used because of poor compensation capacity. Do not thoroughly cure, but doctors are barely doing patients to expand cancer cure, which leads to postoperative patients after surgery. If there are western medicine (chemotherapy drugs, targeted drugs, or immunotherapy), you can treat cancer, then choose some drugs that have been proven for a long time as possible, and the effects of more accurate effects and clearly toxic and side effects are treated. You can see and touch. Do not pursue new drugs and special drugs, especially drugs in clinical trials for treatment, because patients with late elderly cancer, the body itself is not very good. Such treatment lacks guarantee, and it is unclear for physical toxic and side effects. Sometimes benefits are income. It is not ideal.

    . Do you want to tell patients and spouses?
    It's point of view is neither all, don't say, for example, a year ago, my mother was the late stage of small cell lung cancer. Patients will die. At this time, if the truth is told and the foreign father, it is estimated that the second old man will definitely not bear it. In case of something, other relatives at home are unbearable. Therefore, we said to the two elderly people. There is a block in your lungs. It is not clear what the block is now. What is currently doing is to cure it. The old people are very happy to listen to their children. Treatment, the patient's situation improved with the development of the treatment, and we did not tell them this. A few days ago, when the lung cancer had been transferred to the brain again, it was estimated that the time when the maternal condition could bring tumors was relatively limited, and we slowly told the foreign father that the maternal mother was a year ago. Very bad. In order to prevent you from worrying, I did not clearly tell you that after a year of treatment, cancer in the lungs has been narrowed. But now the brain is metastasized, and there will be any situation in the back. I do n’t know yet. If you want to come, you should continue to treat it. It will be effective. Then, the foreigner and the maternal first communicated with the mothers to explain clearly. The children and their mother implemented the treatment of treatment. In this way, the old people understood the hard work of the children and continued to seek medical treatment.

    . Care at home is important.
    . As the saying goes, three -point treatment, seven -point care, cancer home care is very important. Due to the current restrictions on medical insurance costs and beds, the general patient chemotherapy is quickly discharged home after the chemotherapy. When at home, the toxic and side effects of cancer patients are serious. If you do n’t pay attention, you may have abandoned the past, and the elderly in our family have a very serious bone marrow suppression of the crisis. Fortunately, we observe the place and discover it in time, and immediately seek medical treatment after treatment. In addition, the side effects of chemotherapy and poisoning cause the patient's malnutrition and complications such as hair loss, vomiting, and anorexia. We can solve the damage caused by the treatment of the elderly through the care of relatives care, traditional Chinese medicine conditioning, dietary care and intravenous nutritional supplementation. Let the elderly's physical and mental health throughout the treatment process.

    . It is very important to treat diseases in harmony and force. After all, the elderly are brothers and sisters. To do it, do it, be able to stop, do not blindly pursue the treatment of no high, large, and upper treatment, do not blindly go to go to the west to seek medical treatment, and choose the appropriate hospital nearby. Because everyone is a child, a family who is a family and a job, and it is impossible to take the elderly for medical treatment for a long time. In addition, the cost of expenses should also be discussed according to their capabilities and property inheritance, and it should be divided into sharing and advocating the ability to bear more. After all, the old man is the only one, and there are not many opportunities for your filial piety.
    One person suffers from cancer, and the whole family anti -cancer. Cancer torture the patient, but it is a family, especially the late cancer, which is even worse. In the hospital, I have seen too many life and death and human feelings. Some children sell houses and bonds to treat their parents. Some children ignore the life and death of the elderly.

    If in the advanced period of loved ones, what should be done as a child? 1. Help loved ones and receive timely and effective treatment
    Moles of advanced cancer patients can achieve the purpose of survival with tumor through treatment. The pain of cancer patients. Therefore, avoiding excessive treatment in advanced cancer, slowing the symptoms of pain, improving the patient's psychological and mental state, and letting patients go the last journey of life dignified.
    2. Seeking help in various aspects
    The cancer patients may have other emotional needs in addition to treatment. As a child, you can find the help of relatives, colleagues, friends, society, media and other aspects to reduce the burden on the family and also help patients to get more help.
    3. Learn cancer -related medical knowledge
    The medical knowledge of more learning cancer, understand the pathogenesis, symptoms, treatment, and prevention of cancer. Understand a lot, and it is more rational to treat the late period of cancer. At the same time, it is able to explain the condition patiently with the cancer relatives and reduce the fear of the condition.
    4. Do a good job of cancer for advanced cancer
    The no treatment significance when the cancer reaches the advanced stage. After a long treatment, you need to go home to recuperate, and you must do a good job of family care. Adjust your diet, cooperate with drug treatment, relieve cancer pain, closely observe changes in the condition, and prevent complications.
    5. Understand and soothe the emotions of patients
    The understanding of emotional fluctuations, such as patients in despair, unwilling to waste money and refuse all treatment. At this time, family members need to communicate and try to appease the patient's situation. Tell them that as the closest person with you, we don’t want you to suffer
    6. Various wishes that accompany the patient complete
    If there is any unfinished wish for cancer patients, as children, you can accompany you with your children, you can accompany you to accompany you Together, they recall the beauty of life together, and do what they do to help them fulfill their wishes.
    [The child wants to raise and kiss is not here] This is a very painful experience!
    If life is relatively rich or lived, you still need to have a career or job:
    1 Parents receive their own lives:
    Create a better living conditions for children. But when life gradually improved to happiness, they could not wait. Bringing around yourself is the happiest pain and pain.
    2 Do not add bullies to parents:
    The patients are very fragile and always feel that they are burdensome, especially at this time, and they will feel anxious. The children have more patience and tolerance, and their parents are also brought to adults step by step.
    3 Talk to your parents for an hour every day:
    The companion is the best gift, and you do n’t even have to talk too much to watch TV, cut fruit, and talk about your parents.
    4 is convenient to move. Tianqing can bend to exercise every day:
    The action is always better than waiting for lying down. Both cells and body need to be active and metabolized. Will happen.
    5 guarantees fresh fruits every day:
    It patients in the late stage are painful, and the nutrition is not enough to be more painful. It ca n’t eat too much rice noodle soup. Eating more fruits is also beneficial to the body's vitamins, water and nutrition.
    6 Take care of them:
    The morning and evening maintenance supervision to drink 1 cup of warm white water. Fish tofu soup drinks some high protein and can only drink soup.
    7 Take some photos, group photos:
    buy a set of clothes that parents like, let the time mark down, although it may not look good, but they are all memories and stories. Perhaps buying a gold jewelry is also meaningful for parents to wear it.
    8 If you are unmarried, you will get married as soon as possible.
    9 Do not save it on the top, be willing to spend! Everyone says that everyone is not allowed, don't leave regrets.
    don't make your parents sad, life always face, come on!
    Is to recover, family and health!
    For this problem, as a personal experience, I want to share my point.
    I dad found that when he was 60 years old, he found the middle and late stages of esophageal cancer. When he took the results, the doctor put his father outside and explained the condition of Dad with me alone. At the age of 26, I burst into tears. The doctor advised me to persuade me. Don't cry, otherwise Dad will be troublesome. I endured a strong grief, and pretended to tell my father that it was okay, but there was a cyst in the stomach.
    The family members agreed to perform surgery for Dad, and Dad agreed (always hiding him). Watching the dad who was torment and radiotherapy pain after surgery, he could only hurt in his heart, but he could not do it. After turning tossing, he failed to retain his father. Dad lived for 10 months from the illness to death. I have to play morphine for a while in the last two months. These 10 months are spent in painful pain.
    If you can choose again, you will definitely not choose surgery, you will choose conservative treatment, suffer less sin, and what will happen to his dad will accompany him more and let him calmly to another world [Tears] [Tears]
    of course, some patients have a mild condition and tumor found earlier. It must cooperate with the doctor for early treatment. The expected effect is still very good. If it is late, it is best to choose conservative treatment, and don't let your loved ones torture useless. This is my suggestion, for reference only.
    In a regular hospital and consult a doctor. Whether it can be treated, understanding the advantages and disadvantages of treatment plans, and actively cooperating with the attending doctors.
    It if the surgery can be saved, it is necessary to save life without hesitation. If you do n’t have to save it, try to make up for his regret. At that time, my father was cancer. , So I have never given medicine, because the doctor does not know what medicine to use, and has always been checked, but the father’s condition worsened every day. Later, the doctor saw his father’s state. Until the father left, he didn't find out where the root came from. At that time, as a daughter, I saw my father's pain. It was me who really wanted to share the pain for him. We are really incompetent, so if there is any request to be satisfied, accompany him, let him feel warm, of course, if there is hope, it will inevitably do your best.

    What can you do as a child in the advanced period of your loved ones? My good friend found cervical cancer during the medical examination in October the year before the year before. At the end of October, my mother found the advanced rectal cancer. When I heard this friend like five thunder, what should I do? Dare to let my mother know that my friend is a careful person, and my mother also likes her the most, because I have to do surgery, there is no way to take care of my mother in those days. The mother feels wrong and keeps asking. My mother said that she would not go to me early and waited for me to do the surgery. A few meanings, my mother usually loves my friends most, maybe because she knows her condition, she is in a bad mood. My friend went to take care of his mother on the eighth day after the operation. I advised him to take care of his mother after a while and raise his body first. Mom and siblings will take care of it. She said that they can take care of me. As long as I can stand up, I will take care of my mother. Although I am a daughter, my mother's cost of seeing a doctor also pays a share of money. I think my friend is really good
    To be a moral person, whether it is to parents, family or to friends, it must show true feelings

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