5 thoughts on “Financial PE meaning in Chinese”

  1. "PE" is Private Equity, and we translate it as "private equity".

    The private equity investment (PE) refers to an investment method that invests in non -listed equity or listed companies' non -public transaction equity.

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  2. What does PE investment mean

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  3. What exactly is the PE said every day

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  4. 1. Basic explanation: Private equity investment (PE) refers to an investment method that invests in non -listed equity or listed companies' non -public transaction equity.
    2 • From the perspective of investment, private equity investment refers to the rights and interests of private enterprises, that is, non -listed enterprises through private equity. During the transaction implementation process M

  5. 1. Definition: "PE" is Private Equity. Private equity refers to a way to invest in non -listed equity or listed companies' non -public transaction equity. From the perspective of investment methods, private equity investment refers to private equity, that is, the equity investment of private enterprises, that is, non -listed enterprises, and considers the future exit mechanism during the implementation of the transaction. Purchase and other methods, selling holdings for profit.

    2. Features:
    private equity investment (, PE), which is also translated into "private rights investment" and "private equity capital investment". The following characteristics of private equity investment:
    First, in fundraising, it is mainly raised to a minority institutional investor or individual through non -public ways. ongoing. In addition, the investment method is also carried out in private equity. It rarely involves the operation of the open market. Generally, there is no need to disclose the transaction details.
    The second, most of the investment methods of equity, rarely involved in debt investment. PE investment institutions also have certain voting rights for the decision -making management of the invested enterprise. It is reflected in investment tools, and mostly uses ordinary shares or transfers preferred shares, and convertible bonds.
    third, the equity investment of non -listed companies, or investing in non -public trading equity in listed companies, is considered long -term investment (generally 3 years, 5 years or longer), so investors are investors, so investors It will be required to be higher than the return of the open market.
    Fourth, the source of funds is wide, such as rich individuals, risk funds, leverage acquisition funds, strategic investors, pension funds, insurance companies, etc.
    Fifth, there is no listing transaction, so there is no ready -made market for the equity transfer party of non -listed companies to reach the transaction directly with the purchaser. Investors and companies that need to invest in coins must rely on personal relationships, industry associations or intermediaries to find each other.
    The sixth, comparing the forming enterprises that have formed a certain scale and generate stable cash flow, which is obviously different from VC.
    Seventh, there are three main types of investment returns: public offering, selling or mergers and acquisitions, and corporate capital structure reorganization. For investment enterprises, private equity investment not only has the benefits of long investment period and increase capital, but also may bring professional skills for management, technology, markets and other needs to enterprises. Compared with the large and unpredictable open market, the private equity investment capital market is a more stable source of financing. In the process of introducing private equity investment, it can be kept confidential with competitors, because information disclosure is limited to investors without having to make public as public.
    The eighth, PE investment institutions mostly adopt a limited partnership system. This form of corporate organization has good investment management efficiency and avoids the disadvantages of double taxation.
    The ninth, the investment withdrawal channels are diversified. There are the first public fundraising IPO, tradesale, merging acquisition (M

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