5 thoughts on “Is Alipay's financial management reliable?”

  1. Reliable, taking Yu'ebao as an example, Yu'ebao is connected with Yu'ebao Monetary Fund, a subsidiary of Tianhong Fund, which is characterized by simple operation, low threshold, zero handling fees, and can be used. In addition to wealth management functions, Yu'ebao can also be used directly for consumer payment such as shopping, transfer, and payment of payment. It is a cash management tool for the mobile Internet era. At present, Yu'ebao is still the largest currency fund in China.
    Extension information
    Call attention:
    1. The necessary asset liquidity
    Personal cash is mainly to meet daily expenditure, emergency prevention and speculative needs. Individuals must ensure that there are sufficient funds to pay in and outside the plan. Therefore, financial management must not only ensure the liquidity of customer funds, but also consider the cost of cash in the cash plan.
    Inned cash plans, short -term demand can be met by inventory cash, and early cash expenditures can be met by various savings and short -term investment tools.
    2. Select the right financial product
    The choice of suitable financial products according to your capital status and risk tolerance. Conservatives can choose low -risk financial products. For example, government bonds and high -risk people can choose high -risk financial products such as stocks.
    Reference information Source: Baidu Encyclopedia — Yu'ebao

  2. Generally, the money in Yu'ebao is the same as the existence of the bank. It is safer and reliable, but the other financial products in Alipay are also reliable, but the only difference is that the risk must be borne by itself. Responsible for losing money.
    The general wealth management products have these:
    Yu'ebao: Flexible use, the safety and reliability of cooperating with Tianhong Fund is a positive basic zero risk annualized rate of about 4%. The decline is not large. The same as Yu'ebao also has a "full currency A".
    has a currency fund. Alipay is like a platform for these funds to buy and sell. The interest rate is not very high, but it is a little higher than Yu'ebao. The annualized interest rate is about 4.5%. The first is the China Merchants Bank. Zhaolibao Currency A, the second CCB pension flying moon treasure, currency funds are low risk, stable income, flexible access, 0 rates, sharp -rolling funds.
    The regular financial management. Regular financial management has a short-term 30 days, an annualized interest rate of 4.6-5%, 98 days long, an annualized interest rate of 4.6-5%, 360 days long, and an annualized interest rate of 5.5-6%. The risk is also small, and it is also a currency fund or insurance wealth management product.

  3. Pay content for time limit to check for freenAnswer Hello, dear! Most of the funds in Alipay are Alipay's agency products. Alipay belongs to a third -party agency. These funds are mainly derived from banks and fund companies. Before the sales sales, they were selected by the team. Therefore Risk.性 From the perspective of the security of the fund itself, the fund belongs to a non -guaranteed financial management method, so the fund is likely to have a certain loss. From the perspective of overallness, the risk of currency funds is small. The risk of large -proportion funds is greater. In addition to the market, the risk also has a lot to do with personal operations. This part of the risk is still controllable. Therefore, funds in Alipay are relatively reliable and safe.nAsk if Alipay go bankrupt, can the funds invested be taken back?nAnswer to see the transportation model of Alipay, and the number of users should not be broken. We can redeem it in advance before the company's bankruptcy or business occurs.nAsk some funds to have a closed period. If Alipay fails during the closed period, can investors still get investment and wealth management money?nWhen answering any fund under investor purchase of public funds, their funds are stored on the custody account of the custody bank, and the bank is supervised. It can only be responsible for the transaction, send the instructions of the investment transaction to the custody bank, and then the custody bank is transferred. It also needs to be confirmed by the securities registration and settlement company and the securities exchange, so the money has always been there. Moreover, the fund assets managed by the fund company do not belong to the fund company's assets, and will not be calculated in the bankruptcy property. Therefore, even if the bankruptcy is closed, investors' funds are still there, and it will not be used to repay it to repay debt.n3 morenBleak

  4. There are risks in investment, and there are many uncertainty and risks in the investment market. Therefore, we buy wealth management products with risks, but the risk level is divided into high and low. Wealth management products are mainly faced with redemption risks, policy risks, human risks, and force majeure risks. In addition, natural disasters, war and other irresisticity factors may also seriously affect the normal progress of wealth management products.
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  5. Alipay financial management, I personally feel reliable.
    The wealth management products of Alipay mainly include Yu'ebao, regular wealth management products, as well as various funds, gold and so on. Yu'ebao is a low -risk wealth management product that can be deposited and consumed at any time. The performance since its launch in 2013 is obvious to all, so Yu'ebao is quite safe and reliable.
    Alipay also has a lot of regular financial products, such as "Guo Shou'an Xinying", "Evolians of the Yangtze River Pension Semi -Pension", "Ping An and Fortune 45 Days", "Taiping Jiu Jiu" and so on. Wealth management products issued by institutions and securities companies, including China Life, Yangtze Pension Insurance, Haitong Securities, etc. These are regular large -scale institutions, and the issued products are naturally guaranteed.
    and according to the Alipay page, these products are currently 100%redemption, and there are no overdue and losses.
    The various types of funds provided by Alipay are from low risk to high risk. Among them, the risk of currency funds is the lowest and the stock fund risk is the highest.
    The gold wealth management products of Alipay also have a certain level of risk. Because the price of gold fluctuates in real time, there may be losses.
    The, as a well -known domestic payment platform, is more responsible for a substitution, similar to the intermediary platform. Therefore, Alipay's risk of wealth management products does not come from Alipay, but the product itself. Because the financial management itself will have risks, naturally there will be some high -risk and high -yield products, and there are also low -risk products. You can choose as needed.

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