kuchi jewelry wholesale How to make fish fragrant cakes? What steps need to pay special attention to easy rollover?

kuchi jewelry wholesale

4 thoughts on “kuchi jewelry wholesale How to make fish fragrant cakes? What steps need to pay special attention to easy rollover?”

  1. wholesale gold layered jewelry Raw materials: Four seasons, meat filling (best pork belly), garlic, Xiaomi spicy, 郫 原 原 原 原, four seasons can be used to use long eggplant, round eggplant can be used. Method: Wash the four seasons of beans and cut the growth strips; clean the green onions clean and cut into pieces. Xiaomi spicy 5 cut into sections; chop garlic into garlic mud; mixing feasting sauce: a spoonful of soy sauce, a spoonful of rice vinegar, one spoonful of rice vinegar , A spoonful of white sugar, a spoonful of MSG, a spoonful of edible salt, a spoonful of cassian starch, finally add two spoons of cold water, stir well and reserve.
    This cooking pot is poured into the vegetable oil, poured into the meat foam and stir -fry. Put the oil in the pan, add the chili segment and garlic after the oil is burned. After the aroma of the burst, add a large spoonful of Danxian County Douban sauce, stir fry. (Because the four seasons of beans are more oily, the oil should be poured more to prevent sticking to the pan, not too much, because the meat foam will also make a part of the oil.) Put the four seasons of beans and fried meat foam, stir -fry well, stir -fry, and fried. If the oil is quickly sucked, you can pour a little less water and stir -fry the four seasons of bean. After the four seasons of beans can be poured into the seasoning, stir -fry and fried, you can stir -fry the sugar color, and sprinkle the shallots and white sesame seeds before the pan. Many people should be familiar with fish incense eggplant and are one of the most popular classic dishes.
    The recipes in any small restaurant on the street have this dish, and the roadside snacks will be made. In the summer and autumn season of childhood, there are many four seasons that look like purple drops. The favorite of fresh four seasons with dewdrops will be used to make our parents eat fish and eggplant for us. In fact, the nutritional effect of eggplant has a very high nutritional effect. It has the effect of reinforcement and thirst, eliminates the internal oxygen free radicals, and blocks the effect of pigment spots. However, eggplant is very oily and easy to oxidize the color of vegetables and fruits. Many friends usually make this traditional side dish when they are not very good at home.
    I didn't do it well before. Before doing it last week, I called and asked my mother, carefully asked the process, all of them on my "special gourmet secrets". Originally made fish fragrant eggplant, you must understand three tips, so that you can make a good -looking and delicious fish flavor eggplant. The eggplant must first use small blisters with lemonade or white rice vinegar for 5-10min, and throw away the water. Add salt for 10min to loosen, and then squeeze the water. Squeeze the eggplant with a small amount of cassava starch. Just do these three points, the four seasons are not easy to get black, and there are very few oil.

  2. wholesale jewelry and loans Prepare the ingredients, put the green onion ginger, garlic and meat in a small bowl and stir well. You can add the thirteen incense, add the eggs, add the soy sauce, then fill it in the eggplant cake, then wrap the cake on the batter, eat oil, eat oil Eggs and edible oil are made of starch flour, and then fry them in the oil pan.

  3. fine jewelry wholesale only Just first make the eggplant as a strip or piece, spread the fish and eggplant evenly on the leather, and then roll it up. For example, when the roll is rolled, add salt, or it is easy to turn over when baking.

  4. wholesale dropship fine jewelry Put the meat into meat foam, and then add pepper, eggs, chicken essence, cooking wine, old soy sauce, Jiang Mo, etc., stir well! After sealing the plastic wrap, put it in the refrigerator for two hours to wash the eggplant and cut it into a diagram. Then use a spoon to put the meat in the sandwich, wait for the next step to send the eggs, flour, starch, and water. Stir well. Then put the already prepared eggplant in, put the pulp into the oil pan, and fry the fire for two years. Onions, coriander, garlic, pickled pepper, ginger, chopped for later use. Then stir -fry the Douban, add garlic, Jiang Mo, add water after the punching pepper, add the seasonings, add eggplant, cook for three minutes, pick up the tomato cake and put it in the plate. , Finally, pour the juice on the eggplant!

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