NetEase's net revenue in the first quarter was 23.6 billion, and the game actively deployed overseas markets

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  1. NetEase's net revenue in the first quarter was 23.6 billion, and the game actively deployed overseas markets
    Nease net revenue in the first quarter of 23.6 billion. The game actively deployed overseas markets. , Innovation and other businesses. In the first quarter, except for NetEase's roads, the revenue of the remaining sectors showed a rise. NetEase's net revenue in the first quarter was 23.6 billion, and the game actively deployed overseas markets.
    Nease net revenue in the first quarter was 23.6 billion yuan. The game actively deployed the overseas market on May 24. Netease released the first quarter financial report, and the revenue still increased, but the profit was almost increasing.
    In the first quarter, NetEase achieved a revenue of 2.3 billion yuan, an increase of 14.8%year -on -year; according to the US General Accounting Standard, the net profit attributable to the company's shareholders was 4.39 billion yuan, which was slightly reduced compared to the 4.44 billion yuan in the same period last year. Essence If the impact of the exclusion of equity incentives, based on the non -US -US -general accounting standards, the net profit attributable to the company's shareholders is 5.12 billion yuan, which is slightly increased compared to the 5080 million yuan in the same period last year.
    In general, NetEase's income increase in the first quarter without gaining profit.

    In from the perspective of each business performance, NetEase's most important online game business achieved income of 17.3 billion yuan, an increase of 15.3%year -on -year; the revenue of the road was 1.2 billion yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 10.4%; 2.1 billion yuan, a year -on -year increase of 38.6%; innovation and other businesses achieved revenue of 3 billion yuan, an increase of 11.5%year -on -year.
    The game business accounts for 73%of total revenue and is still the core section of NetEase.
    On May 20, Netease held a game conference, announced the latest progress of up to 40 games. The key product "Dark Destruction God · Immortal" will be available on June 23, and it is expected to increase the flow of NetEase games after launch.
    In NetEase introduced, "Diablo Damage God · Immortal" has exceeded 15 million domestic appointments, and the global reservation volume exceeds 35 million. Overseas reservations are more than domestic, and overseas markets are also the general trend of the development of the domestic game industry.
    In Gamma data, the sales revenue of Chinese manufacturers' overseas market in 2021 was US $ 18 billion, an increase of 16.59%year -on -year; sales revenue in the Chinese game market was 296.5 billion yuan, an increase of 6.4%year -on -year. Domestic supervision has become tight and competitive, and overseas markets have provided new growth opportunities for domestic manufacturers.

    Meonnes have achieved good results in overseas markets. Sensor Tower statistics show that in 2021, 30 Chinese mobile games were shortlisted for the TOP100 in Japan's best -selling list, with a total of about 3.46 billion US dollars, of which Mihayou's "Original God" ranked the highest, and NetEase's "Wilderness Action" followed closely.
    At the conference call after the financial report, NetEase CEO Ding Lei mentioned the attention of overseas markets. Ding Lei said that more than 80%of NetEase's R

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