1 thought on “Related”

  1. Hunter Test:
    Warship Island Hotel (TV): 10 million ringgnie = 600,000 yuan
    Sky fighting technical field:
    The first floor of the sky fighting technical field: 152 ring nicky = 9 Yuan
    Fifty -layer bonus: 50,000 ringing nun = 3,000 yuan
    100 layers: one million rings = 60,000 yuan
    Qi 犽 犽 犽 犽 犽 犽 犽 犽 犽 犽 犽 犽 犽 犽 犽 犽 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元: 2 Yijieni = 12 million yuan
    Siso battle tickets: 150,000 rings = 9,000 yuan, you can buy 1,000 boxes of chocolate, so it is about 9 yuan a box of chocolate, which is almost the same as in reality.
    This and Qi Qi made a total of 800 million ringing in the sky, which is equivalent to RMB 48 million.
    The whale Islands and You Kexin City:
    "Greedy Island" game initial price: 5.8 billion = 348 million yuan
    "Greedy Island" auction at the lowest price: 89 Billion = 534 million yuan
    "The Island of Greeds" Hunter website information fee: 20 million rings = 1.2 million yuan
    Xiaojie and Qiyi make money: Xiaojie earns 17,000 rings in two weeks = 1020 yuan
    小 小 小 造 造 (TV): 500,000 precepts = 30,000 yuan
    Beeds mobile phone: 200,000 rings of Nini = 12,000 yuan, was chopped by Leo Li to 11180 rings = 6633 yuan, and Leo Li was bought at 80029 ringing (4800 yuan). No wonder the boss wants to beat him ~ nThis Hakka killing one person looks like 1 billion ringing, which is about 60 million yuan
    Diamond ring: 3 million ring nicky = 180,000 yuan
    Witch strength at a time: one thousand ringgits = 600 yuan at a time = 600 yuan
    Moly earning a total of 2.75 million = 165,500 yuan
    The Phantom Brigade rewards a reward of two billion yuan to one person = 120 million yuan, the participation fee of 5 million rings = 300,000 yuan r
    Hunter license mortgage 100 million rings = 6 million yuan
    You Kexin Auction Catalog and participating permit 1,500 million rings = 900,000 yuan
    Buy (18 yuan), about 5 million precepts = 300,000 yuan
    The slab painting 11,000 ring ninny (660 yuan) was purchased, and 150,000 ringie (9,000 yuan) was sold.
    The handmade doll 50500 ring Nii (3030 yuan) purchased, 300,000 ringie (18,000 yuan) sold
    Wooden collection 7000 rings (420 yuan) purchased. 90 yuan), and then lifted to 80,000 precepts (4800 yuan), in fact worth 300 million ringing (180 million yuan) or more
    "The Island of Greeds" auction price: 30 billion ringing = 1.8 billion yuan, the highest price of 60.2 billion rings = 3.7 billion yuan RMB
    "Greedy Island":
    The n icing at the restaurant owes 1020 ringing nicky = 61.2 yuan. Washing time salary of 510 rings (two) = 30.6 yuan
    4 "Garukada" (a strange fish card for ate in the restaurant) exchanged 120,000 rings = 7200 yuan
    Map (simple) 20,000 rings = 1200 yuan, map (detailed) 650,000 rings = 39,000 yuan)
    Guan Xiaojie won 1 billion yuan each = 60 million yuan each.

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