2 thoughts on “What is the digital RMB?”

  1. Digital RMB is not a new currency, which is essentially a legal currency in digital form, that is, the digital form of the RMB. Regarding the background and reasons for the central bank's issuing digital RMB, Mu Changchun, director of the Institute of Digital Monetary Research, conducted a systematic authoritative explanation at the Bund Financial Summit held in October 2021. First, with the advancement of technological and demand, the form of legal currencies has gradually evolved from physical forms to digital forms.

    In July 2021, the Digital Renminbi R

  2. Our money is undergoing a big change. Digital RMB has been piloted in four cities: Shenzhen, Suzhou, Chengdu, and Xiong'an.

    waist until the promotion comes, and friends in other cities can also use it.

    For digital renminbi, everyone should be curious, what is this? Why do you do this? Will Alipay and WeChat be affected? What is the impact on our ordinary people?

    This problems, after reading this article, you can find the answer.

    What is digital RMB

    digital RMB, which is the RMB of a digital form. it's the same.

    If you think this explanation is a bit abstract, you can enter the electronic membership card.

    I weeks all kinds of membership cards and points cards to get physical cards, and then these cards can be discounted, points, and replaced. When I went to high school, I bought these things to put these things.

    Now the physical card is rare, replaced by various electronic membership cards. We only need to open the applet or APP to call up the electronic membership card and scan the code for the merchant.

    The electronic membership card has the same effect as our previous physical card. Their difference lies in the form of existence.

    D digital RMB is the same as our banknotes. Their effects are the same, but one form is numbers and the other is entity.

    our banknotes must be packed in wallets, and digital RMB must also be packed in wallets. Renminbi red envelopes, people who are signed by winning digital wallets can be used to use this money.

    Mi friends may ask, what is the difference between digital RMB and Alipay and WeChat? Aren't you all paid with your mobile phone?

    The essence of Alipay and WeChat is actually a wallet, and the digital RMB is the money installed in the wallet.

    I we use Alipay, WeChat to pay, and collect money. In essence, we use payment tools to transfer money in the bank account.

    and digital RMB, even if you do not need to bind a bank card, you can use it, but there will be restrictions on the amount. Just like we use banknotes to buy things, the other party does not have a bank account, and we can collect our banknotes. After receiving it, we can spend it normally.

    D digital RMB only requires two mobile phones to touch, without binding banks, or even having a network, it can be sold.

    But do you see WeChat and Alipay do not bind bank card banks? The transactions of these payment tools are not only as simple as scanning the code, but the operation behind it is very complicated, and the bank's cooperation is indispensable.

    It, how can the US mobile payment be comparable to us? It is not that others do not work, mainly because the bank does not pay.

    Why do you want to engage in digital RMB

    Actually with WeChat and Alipay, our daily payment is very convenient Why do I have to engage in digital RMB?

    D digital RMB is naturally useful.

    01 The cost of saving banknote printing

    The cost of digital RMB must be much lower than that of banknotes and coins.

    The banknote printing requires cost, anti -counterfeiting requires investment costs (digital RMB also requires anti -counterfeiting, but the cost is lower), transportation also requires cost, and it must be recovered and destroyed.

    If you replace it with digital RMB, a lot of money can be left every year, saving a lot of manpower, material resources, and financial resources.

    02 Anti -money laundering
    Digital renminbi can not bind a bank card. Everyone may feel puzzled, a digital RMB that is convenient to carry without providing identity information, isn't it most suitable for money laundering?

    D digital RMB gameplay must not be tied to a bank card, it will be classified.

    For example, without any certified wallet, only small payment can be performed. If you want to get higher quotas and more authority, you need to provide more detailed information for identity certification.

    If of the money laundering, real -name authentication is required. Then big data will identify some characteristics of money laundering, such as a lot of money to concentrate, or large amount transfer, and then lock the identity.

    It can be used to fight corruption and crack down.

    is still mainly banknotes. Those who have money can still be selected. However, when the banknotes on the market are getting less and less, the anti -money laundering effect of digital currencies will be very prominent.

    03 Cross -border payment is more convenient

    cross -border payment, especially the cross -border flow of large amounts of funds. The payment cost is also relatively high.

    D digital RMB will be circulated between multinational enterprises in the future, which is definitely more convenient.

    . There are more than one countries developing digital currencies. Russia, Britain, France and other countries have announced the development of central bank digital currencies. Settlement will definitely be more convenient.

    S especially mobile payment, because mobile payments such as Alipay and WeChat have damaged the interests of the bank, so many foreign banks are unwilling to cooperate, such as the spectrum Lan Jun just said, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United States Why is mobile payment compared to us.

    will Alipay and WeChat be affected

    will Alipay, WeChat be greatly affected?

    Plash Lan Jun feels that Alipay and WeChat are still very competitive.

    The biggest advantage of Alipay is Tmall, Taobao, a series of Ali -based shopping platforms. This advantage will not disappear because of the appearance of digital currencies.

    . WeChat has a huge and loyal customer base. When Trump wanted to rectify us, someone would have a questionnaire on the Internet. If Apple mobile phones can not install WeChat in the future, you will still be able to still use WeChat, you will still be still. Use apples? Most people choose to give up Apple, and our work and life are tied with WeChat.

    Chat money on WeChat, red envelopes, transfer, and transfer, it is also inevitable.

    So Alipay and WeChat have their own irreplaceability in payment.

    , digital RMB is a currency. Alipay and WeChat can also connect digital wallets in the future, not compatible.

    mi, the central bank's digital wallet has no interest, and Yu'ebao and the change are still more advantageous.

    of course, Alipay and WeChat have grabbed the bank's cake in recent years, and this time the digital RMB was tried on the bank. This opportunity to grab a little cake.

    and digital RMB still affects the loan business.

    If Financial's income in the first half of 20 years of income is 40 % dependent on lending, and loan can earn so much money with the data controlled by ants. Ant knows where our money is spent, knows everyone's financial resources, and know how to accurately lend to consumers.

    If banks work hard, Alipay's offline payment scenarios may be robbed a lot, so it is not only the payment scenario but also data, the data is not enough, and the credit evaluation will be even more. Trouble.

    What impact on us

    In the pilot area, some enterprises and institutions will use digital RMB to pay some wages Essence When the promotion is coming, we may also receive such a salary.

    The channels for getting digital RMB, there may be wages, other people's transfer, or directly exchanged the money in the bank account to digital RMB (exchanged for no charge).

    The launch of digital RMB is basically beneficial for ordinary people.

    01 Payment is more convenient

    D digital RMB does not need to be tied to a bank card, or even the network can be traded, and it is a legal currency. Essence

    After downloading the digital wallet, you can scan the code to pay and remit money. You can also open the wallet when you have no network. Essence

    So, even if we are a place with bad signals, we are not afraid to pay.

    In further, many countries are making digital currencies. If digital currency becomes a major trend, is there no cash if you go in the future?

    02 Get better service

    D digital RMB may not have a great impact on Alipay and WeChat, but it will definitely bring compete.

    The bank will work hard to seize this opportunity, and if WeChat and Alipay want to maintain a leading position, they must also try to attract customers and retain customers.

    If, whether banks or third -party payments, they must be more convenient, more discount or better wealth management products. For fairy fights, ordinary people will have a better service experience.

    This at the end of

    The benefits of digital RMB are still many. Look at it.

    . It takes a long time to replace the banknotes for a long time. The country has to take care of the elders in China so that everyone can get convenience.

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