2 thoughts on “Who has some QQ group newcomers welcome words, thank you”

  1. If you want to chat, you can come to this group;
    This group is not special,
    occasionally gathered,
    is like a friend gathering,
    is not a blind date meeting meeting ;
    The group recruiting people have no special requirements,
    Is we don't care about your appearance,
    It does not need to be ashamed of the moon,
    R n does not need to be extraordinary,
    , even if you grow into "Sister Feng",
    I will not hit you, ~
    but your character must be good,
    If your products affect everyone, sorry, you will be invited to go ~
    . If you are only for picking up girls, sorry, you enter the wrong group ~
    nThe group rules, some topics are not allowed ~
    The last sentence: Welcome everyone to come ~

  2. If you want to chat, you can come to this group;
    This group is not special,
    occasionally gathered,
    is like a friend gathering,
    is not a blind date meeting meeting ;
    The group recruiting people have no special requirements,
    Is we don't care about your appearance,
    It does not need to be ashamed of the moon,
    rn不用你长得如何超凡脱俗,rn就算你长成“凤姐”那样,rn我们也不会打击你,rn但你的人品一定要好,r n If your product affects everyone, sorry, you will be asked ~
    . If you just come for picking up girls, sorry, you enter the wrong group ~
    There are group regulations for n groups, and some topics are not allowed to talk ~
    for reference only. It is best to welcome words.

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