5 thoughts on “Who is the general manager of Netease”

  1. Ding Lei: General Manager of Netease Company

    October 1971 Born in Ningbo

    1993 Graduated from Chengdu Electronic Science and Technology
    n1993--1995, 5 in Ningbo in Ningbo Work

    1995, 5--1996, 5 at the SEBYSE Guangzhou Branch

    In May ---- N NetEase:

    Nease company was established in May 1997. It is one of the most influential Internet companies in China today. It has always been seeking the starting point for Chinese digital life and digital business. In just over two years, NetEase rely on its technological advantages to continuously create several firsts in the history of Chinese Internet: China's first Chinese -wide search, the first large -capacity free personal homepage base, the first free free free free personal homepage base, the first free free of charge Electronic greeting card station, the first virtual community, the first new online product auction, the first Chinese personalized service, etc., twice on the most authoritative CNNIC website evaluation of China as the top ten websites, became the top of the top ten websites and became became the first One of the most popular websites in China. At present, NetEase has abandoned the concept of "large and comprehensive" of the portal and a bold attempt to make digital business. At present, it has a mature digital business platform and a large number of online transactions. Digital business has begun to take shape.

    Princh Confession:

    E engineers' dreams

    The company like NetEase today, which is inseparable from my childhood dream. I have liked radio since I was a child. I assembled my first six -tube radio in the first day. At that time, it was the most complicated radio that could accept midwaves, short waves and frequency adjustment broadcasts. To a large extent, I am also influenced by my father, thinking that the most proud occupation in the future is to be an electronics or electrical engineer. When I was in college, I chose Chengdu University of Electronics.

    Is when I was in college, parents were worried that the long -term radiation of the computer would cause harm to the human body. I did not support me to read the computer. I chose a communication major. But I have always insisted on my ideals. I think that electronics or disciplines related to electrical are all things I am interested in. At that time, 286 began to appear in China, and I gradually realized that the effect of computer on humans will not be just a calculation. Or teaching tools. When I graduated from college in 1993, I learned through reading some magazines that the computer networking has been realized in the United States.

    The distress

    After graduation, I returned to my hometown and worked at the Ningbo Telecommunications Bureau. There were 16 people allocated in the same year as me, many of them came from brand -name universities, and people were very smart. Many people think that the telecommunications bureau is guaranteed and the house and salary are good, but for me, the two years of work there is very hard, and at the same time, I also feel a strong and strong distress: I have no way to want myself to want to think of myself. What you want to do can be played in your job. At that time, I made a lot of innovation at work, but the unit system itself was not very concerned about the good or bad and grades of everyone's work, but your qualifications were short. I feel a little incredible in such a working model. I always think that a person should care about his growth and learn what to learn in one post, not something else. In the Telecommunications Bureau, I have done many unnecessary things in my colleagues, such as writing some small programs, etc. They do not understand, say that this thing can be bought or asked people to do it. Many systems of the Telecommunications Bureau are based on the UNI X operating system, and there are also special maintenance. In two years, I studied a large number of unix systems.

    1995 came out of the Telecom Bureau. I was strongly opposed by my family. They believed that the Telecommunications Bureau had very good development prospects. At that time, I decided to go to Guangzhou. I was determined, and I wanted to go to the south to break through, and they were helpless. At that time, the flexible system of foreign companies, clear rewards and punishments, and no bureaucratic habits. For many young people, they were ideal in their minds.

    This to start a business

    has worked in a foreign company for a year, and I found that the same thing every day is not much fun for a technical engineer. And by 1995, no one can recognize the mutation and leap brought about by the Internet for the information industry. I have once again germinated to leave there to create a company related to Internet related companies. At that time, I was able to use the Internet proficiently and became the earliest domestic Internet users in China.

    It leaving Sybase was also a important choice for mine, because at that time, I was going to be a company that was not as poor. But I was very confident at the time. I believe it will affect the domestic Internet in the future and also devoted my enthusiasm. Except for investors, the company's technology is all of me. Perhaps in 1996, I only had a technical background and lacked sufficient business experience. Finally, when I found that the company was deviated with many of my original ideas, I could only choose to leave the company that I built. Leaving aside the reasons for management, I witnessed almost from beginning to end, and gradually declined under the huge squeeze of China Telecom's ISP. After a year, I became dying and unable to recover the trend. In May 1997, I decided to start Netease.

    The local characteristics of NetEase

    Compared with Sina and Sohu, NetEase's most important feature is its local characteristics. I have been growing up in China; Sohu is Zhang Chaoyang as a company founded in China as an international student with risks; Sina.com is the transformation from a software company to an Internet company, and it has formed a very strong operation through international operation. Management, and introduced venture capital in this process.

    Nease founded from me alone, and did not borrow a penny from the bank or friend. All the entrepreneurial funds were accumulated when I wrote the software. Internet, so NetEase has distinctive national characteristics in both name and logo. The reason why "Net" is named NetEase refers to the interpretation of "Yi" in the "Book of Changes" is endless, exaggerated and profound, and exhaust all changes; In the year, the Internet was still very difficult, and the speed was very slow. When the 14.4K 9600 Modem flying around the sky, we look forward to one day the Internet will become very easy to surf the Internet in the future.

    This has more difficulties than others. The first is the lack of management experience. I cannot set up a large company at the beginning; the second is the issue of funds, and I have never borrowed a penny from the bank to rely on my own rolling and accumulation. Third, in the region, in the region On the last, most Internet companies gathered in Beijing and Guangzhou, Guangzhou and NetEase, and Shanghai only has the official site "Shanghai Hotline". I am very proud of in the formation of the "Internet Climate" in Guangzhou. Promotional role.

    In the Hot Mail out of China

    When I founded NetEase, I boldly imagined to register a domain name with a number like 163, because this is not only easy to remember, and not, but not It will be as easy to confuse and difficult to read as English letters. For example, if the original domain name of the Beijing telephone office is not PUBLIC.BTA, called BJ16 3, it may become well known, and the number of cities, dial -up Internet numbers and the company name are combined. Many times, the easiest place is what many people can't think of.

    It at that time, I foresee that the form of Hot Mail will definitely be popular in China. I start to imagine combining free emails with digital domain names such as 163 and 263 to promote each family in China Go. Today this has become a reality. Many people are using 163 and 263, and the result is that I drove Hot Mail out of China.

    It is undeniable that the development of these two aspects has laid the original original capital accumulation for NetEase. In the process of NetEase's operation, I have been pursuing the characteristics of the nation. Whenever NetEase stepped out of a new step, some people may not see any tone for a while. For example, some people insist that Chinese Internet companies only need to be COPY from the US model and then directly convert to the Chinese model, but we have been very popular from free personal homepage, free mailboxes to the establishment of content and e -commerce auctions. Recently In the auction of 10 days, it sold 130 yuan in Great Great Wall Computer, which shows that China's Internet companies should have their own characteristics in order to truly make a difference.

    In no one criticizes the most terrible

    . In addition to hard work, a person wants to achieve his goals. Even if there are so -called "ingenuity", I have become innovative here. From entrepreneurship to the present, I care about new technology every day, and closely track the new development of the Internet. I work more than 6 hours a day. Among them, 10 hours are online. There are dozens of my mailboxes. I have to accept it every day. Go to hundreds of emails.

    of course, everyone has their own limitations. My specialty is in terms of technology. Management is not my strength. I never deny this. Recently, NetEase has also trained and introduced some management experts. They have high shares in the company. Of course, I am the largest shareholder. What I need to do now is to delegate power as much as possible and be at ease to be the role of my technical director. I personally appreciate Shi Zhenrong's legendary story. He founded Acer 20 years ago. The company has continued to develop to this day. The difference is that he is doing the PC industry. My business experience is only 2 years, so our priority is to introduce some international professionals to achieve the company's rapid development.

    Nease moved to Beijing in April, and soon established a team of employees full of confidence and positive future development of the company. There are not many shareholders behind NetEase. Open corporate culture. Netease also does not have the negative factors brought by the historical accumulation or the entrepreneurs themselves. At the managerial meeting, I often have been criticized, saying that I or where I can do it right. Okay, if they stop talking about you one day, then the most terrible. They work with me and never think of me as the owner of the company, but as a member of the company in the company. Everyone work together for a goal. A person's wish should not exceed the company's wishes. I used to use it, and some people criticized me because the company was a commercial operation after all.

    In looking for smart money

    The domestic propaganda for too much financing also misleads, turning entrepreneurs into a process of containing too many speculative behaviors. For companies such as NetEase, which is not with the help of venture capital, we have been learning financing and thinking about what kind of money is needed by NetEase. We want to find a smart money, and some people will give you money, but what he expects is that you become a role of a tool similar to capitalists, so that entrepreneurs will get farther and farther from their original direction.

    . Another kind of investment does not want to promote the development of the industry, but just care about the capital recovery as soon as possible, and the short eyes make them eager to fulfill investment. There are many kinds of investment, one is of the strategic help of the seed company. Such investment should be sure; the other is to sprinkle money and invest randomly. Be careful about investment in such investment; There will be many harsh conditions. For example, if he invests 1 million, he requires the operating income of the invested company to reach 1.2 million at the end of the year. Otherwise The tool for making money, fighting for these 1.2 million, and changing the company's strategy at any time and exhausted.

    The once risk investors found me and said: Ding Lei, I have read your story. After developing free emails in 1997, you have visited many telecommunications bureaus. The prospect is not bought. If you find me at the time, I will give you $ 2 million, and you sell this product yourself, then you must be China's Hot Mail now. However, now I can also pay you money, but by the end of the year, your company's advertising income must reach $ 2 million. I told him at the time that China's current online market is not so big, and I don't want this 2 million US dollars to become the driving force for my struggle. Our goal is to seize the opportunity to do more for China's Internet. Some things do not necessarily bring profits during the period.

    I told him that if he came to me in 1997, he would be the first person to run away, because the system did not make money at the time. Later, one day he met me again, saying that he had just invested $ 2 million in a company, and today he withdrew it again. There are too many risk investors that lack strategic vision in China. In such an environment, it is also very dangerous to invest in venture capital as a cradle.

    opportunities to get the opportunity of

    In memory, CPU, motherboard, whole machine to software, etc. Today, the domestic information industry can rarely be at the international leading level, in the global market, in the global market The share rate is even more pitiful, but we have valuable opportunities on the Internet. One of my deep experience is that we drive HOT MAIL out of China. Of course, domestic Internet companies can also make further bold ideas: Why can't we drive Yahoo out of the domestic market?

    The prosperity of China InterNet is inseparable from government support and the love of netizens. Departments such as China Telecom should further reduce the tariffs and formulate some tendency policies to support the construction of domestic information networks. From education, charges, promotion, public opinion, and legislation, a better internet atmosphere is needed in China. Netease now feels very stressful. On the one hand, it comes from competition, on the other hand, from a challenge to itself. In a new business model, NetEase hopes that she can go out of new steps instead of blindly imitating the foreign Internet Internet. The company's model, or some information.

    The predictions on the development of China's Internet

    INTERNET's domestic development in the future will show such trends. The first is that the Internet of Chinese will become the world's second largest language website. China has the largest population group, so no one will deny this. The other is Wireless; in the end, the Internet will enter millions of households, just as the TV changes people's lives. Based on these three points, the prospects of Internet in China are unlimited and beautiful.

    In optimistic estimates, by 2003, China will have a population of 30 million online. When these 30 million Internet population cannot get the required information from the US website, people will bet on their attention to Local network. Just like the mobile phone 5 years ago, the mobile phone was a luxury called "Big Brother" in the eyes of ordinary people, but today's mobile phone has become a "mobile phone" that can be almost owned by ordinary people, and also experienced the English menu from the English menu The change of the Chinese menu.

    This embrace ideals

    A young man must first have ideals and goals. Although everyone's talent is different, I also feel that I love my mind in terms of technology. Wisdom, but if you are not aggressive and do not constantly explore in terms of technical aspects, I will not have the ability to make coincidence and some innovations. Especially after a college student left the school, he would feel very confused at first. When he went to a job unit, he thought it was his own destination, but the important thing was to embrace ideals and never give up hard work.

    Is when starting a business in Guangzhou, the company has only 3 employees except me. Their family is in Guangzhou. I go home at 9 o'clock every day. At 1 and 2 o'clock, even when I was sitting on the plane or on a taxi, and even when I was eating, I thought of the Internet. My girlfriend was very disgusted with me, saying that I was absent -minded. However, I think it is so diligent in thinking that many things can be imagined. At that time Methods, etc. Fortunately, I met a group of very good colleagues. If I have a good idea, I will fall on the table like a poker card, so that everyone can feel that such a combination is very good, and then make things together.

    The character impression:

    It the most vivid metaphor to describe the development of the Internet today, it is like a new circle movement. Just like a virgin land in Western denim or white colonists to conquer the new frontier, in the Internet, genius online teenagers are also busy delineating their own sites and formulating new rules for the Internet world. Here, the traditional industrial standards are out of date like the law of another world, and the imagination, bold, wisdom and freedom of the spirit of the spirit of the marshal.

    26 -year -old has founded NetEase. Ding Lei, who is already a well -known domestic Internet company general manager, still looks too young and young. Ding Lei's brother Ding Bo told me that Ding Lei was a person with poor feelings. He had suffered a lot during the entire entrepreneurial process, but never talked to people, including family members. He struggled abroad for a few years, until he became a web celebrity until one day, and the talents in the family knew what he had done over the years. One of the most influential things that influenced Ding Bo was that for a while, he wanted to apply for Ding Lei's alma mater, Chengdu University, and asked Ding Lei's opinion. Ding Lei said that in Chengdu, he endured a humid climate for four years. Of course His younger brother went to suffer again, but he had never talked to his family about such grievances.

    The friend who is very familiar with Ding Lei told me that she likes Ding Lei's character very much, because he does not have much businessman's city and cunning, and some childish innocence and straightforwardness. Ding Lei now sometimes feels tired and misses the happy time of the networm era. Ding Lei knew that his director was not management. He had studied risk investment for 6 months, and finally put it on and decided to ask professionals to operate. I immediately expressed the unnecessary concerns of three points: First, as the general manager, Ding Lei faced the transformation from a technical expert to a manager; second, Netease originally won the love of the networms, but to become a commercialization of businessization Internet companies, the service targets should turn to popular users; third, Ding Lei is Ningbo, and has a very good business mind. Qian, but for an Internet company, the support of foreign capital can grow quickly. Ding Lei seemed to agree with this. He said that the company has also introduced some professional management talents and has been financing. He hopes that in the near future, he can officially introduce his management team to the outside world in the near future. The ideal in Ding Lei's mind is to make NetEase as a company like Yahoo. Of course, it is not to imitate Yahoo, but I hope NetEase will become a huge international Internet company like Yahoo. When www was nicknamed "World Wide WAITTING" and ICP was called "Internet T copying Place" today, Ding Lei had a lot of unique understanding of the Internet. From the free personal homepage, free email service to the virtual online community, Ding Lei hopes that NetEase will become a company that has a very local characteristics and will have international influence in the future.

    The words that Ding Lei made me most shaken was "when a person doesn't even know what it is, any direction is not smooth for him." Winned the taste. Ding Lei said that he had never discarded his ideals. Interviewing Ding Lei is the most difficult interview with me. On the one hand, Ding Lei is too busy, and he is not very good at talking. I can only ask me to talk about the interview with calmly instead of interviews. The experience is very simple. After a few words, I finished my story, which embarrassed my story. After all, NetEase has only been established for 2 years, and Ding Lei is too young. Whether it is an Internet company such as NetEase or an entrepreneur like Ding Lei, history is too short. Everything is waiting for writing

  2. Hello!

    Ding Lei: General Manager of Netease Company in October 1971 Born in Ningbo 1993, graduated from Chengdu University of Electronic Science and Technology 1993--1995, 5 at Ningbo Telecommunications Bureau · English name:

    · Study course: High School: Zhejiang Fenghua Middle School

    University of Teaching Engineering, Chengdu University of Electronic Science and Technology

    · Experience: July 1993 to 1995 June of the year: Ningbo Post and Telecommunications Bureau

    July 1995 to May 1996:.

    . From May 1997 ~ So far, NetEase Company

    · blood type : B -type

    · constellation: Libra

    · Height: in 178 cm

    · Interest: Reading: (I read everything) Playing in the bookstore

    Playing computer: (Everyone related to the computer)

    to play Music: (The favorite instrument is Guzheng ... boys don't seem to be much like this!)

    · Personal: Unexpicious

    Help. Over the years, he has continuously participated in and supports the development of Internet in China, and relies on his keen insight and accurate judgment of the Chinese Internet market to lead the company to achieve a leap again and again. In the face of honor, Ding Lei still maintained the true nature of the netizen as always. He said: "A few years ago, I joined the IT industry and felt like a dream -chasing child. I believe that the future Chinese network will definitely be more exciting. "

    The entrepreneurial experience: In 1993, Ding Lei was assigned to the Ningbo Telecommunications Bureau. In May 1997, the Netease Company was founded. After 7 months, they established the first online bilingual (Han / English) free email server. Today, more than half of Chinese Internet users use free e -mails provided by Netease. In 1999, Netease first launched a personalized Chinese homepage in the Chinese Internet industry. In July 1999, Netease held a auction of Pentium III computers, the first online commercial auction in China. Among the top ten outstanding online characters in China announced on January 15, 2000, Ding Lei, chief executive officer of Netease, ranked first
    Happy every day ~~

  3. Pay content for time limit to check for freenAnswer Ding Lei is the owner of Netease. Ding Lei, male, born in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province on October 1, 1971. The founder of Netease Company is currently the chairman and CEO of the Board of Directors of the NetEase Company. In 1993, Ding Lei officially graduated from the University of Electronic Science and Technology (formerly Chengdu School of Telecommunications Engineering) and obtained a bachelor's degree in engineering. Later, Ding Lei returned to his hometown and worked at the Ningbo Telecommunications Bureau. In May 1997, Ding Lei founded Netease, accounting for more than 50%of the shares and became the real boss. After that, he boldly imagined to register the company's domain name with a number like 163. In March 2000, Ding Lei resigned as the CEO of Netease Company as the company's joint chief technical executive; in June of the same year, Netease was officially listed on Nasdaq. On November 28, 2005, Ding Lei was appointed CEO of Netease. On April 6, 2020, Ding Lei ranked 45th in the "Hurun Global Top 100 Entrepreneurs" with 140 billion yuan of wealth. Ding Lei's character evaluation: Ding Lei is a lonely reader and one of the most successful entrepreneurs in China; he is both simple and unpretentious and legendary. He is a brave who dares to "zero". Ding Lei is a person who is born in physics. It is not easy to take this step today. Ding Lei is pragmatic and low -key, and is relatively straightforward in the face of the media. He is willing to face problems, talk about challenges facing enterprises, and solve the way, especially for automotive companies.nHello, can you like it, thank younI wish you happinessn1 morenBleak

  4. Ding Lei
    · English name:

    · Study course: High School: Zhejiang Fenghua Middle School

    University: Chengdu University of Electronic Science and Technology Communication Engineering

    · Experience: July 1993 to June 1995: Ningbo Post and Telecommunications Bureau

    July 1995 to May 1996:.


    · Blood type: B -type

    · constellation: Libra

    · Height: in 178 cm

    · n · Weight: Do not fix, Determine with the Stock Exchange Index

    · Interest: Reading: (read all books) Bookstore

    Playing computer: (All are related to the computer Play)

    Playing music: (The favorite musical instrument is Guzheng ... Boys don't seem to be too much!)

    · Personal: R n Personal charm: He is a booster of the Chinese Internet. Over the years, he has continuously participated in and supports the development of Internet in China, and relies on his keen insight and accurate judgment of the Chinese Internet market to lead the company to achieve a leap again and again. In the face of honor, Ding Lei still maintained the true nature of the netizen as always. He said: "A few years ago, I joined the IT industry and felt like a dream -chasing child. I believe that the future Chinese network will definitely be more exciting. "

    The entrepreneurial experience: In 1993, Ding Lei was assigned to the Ningbo Telecommunications Bureau. In May 1997, the Netease Company was founded. After 7 months, they established the first online bilingual (Han / English) free email server. Today, more than half of Chinese Internet users use free e -mails provided by Netease. In 1999, Netease first launched a personalized Chinese homepage in the Chinese Internet industry. In July 1999, Netease held a auction of Pentium III computers, the first online commercial auction in China. Among the top ten outstanding online characters in China announced on January 15, 2000, Ding Lei, the CEO of Netease, topped the list.

  5. Ding Lei, general manager of Netease Company, was born in Ningbo in October 1993 and graduated from Chengdu from 1993 to May 1995 at the Ningbo Telecommunications Bureau from May 1995 to May 1996 at Sybase Guangzhou Branch From May 1997 ~ So far, Netease Company was founded

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