wholesale gold indian jewelry How to distinguish the true and false identification of gold

wholesale gold indian jewelry

4 thoughts on “wholesale gold indian jewelry How to distinguish the true and false identification of gold”

  1. wholesale jewelry supply co. cranston ri Differential gold requires some experience. Here are only some identification methods.

    (1) See color: the higher the purity of the gold jewelry, the deeper the color. If there is no gold medal, you can determine the general color according to the following color (based on green gold. The so-called green gold contains only silver ingredients in gold); dark red yellow color is more than 95 %, light red yellow 90-95 % The pale yellow is 80-85 %, the cyan is 65-70 %, and the white light is only 50--60 % white light. The slightly yellow and white are less than 50 %. Generally, Qiqing, Eight Huang, and Jiu Chi can be used as a reference. (2) Type weight: The proportion of gold is 19.32, which is more important than metal such as silver, copper, lead, zinc, aluminum. The volume of gold is more than 40 % heavier than the silver, 1.2 times heavier than copper, and 6.1 times heavier than aluminum. The gold jewelry should have a feeling of sinking in the hand, and the fake gold jewelry feels lightly. This method is not suitable for gold jewelry inlaid.

    (3) Look at the hardness: pure gold is soft and low. It can draw light marks with nails. Teeth bite can leave tooth prints. High -colored gold jewelry is low and soft, with copper with copper, contains copper containing copper, contains copper containing copper The harder, the harder, the bending method can also test the hardness, the pure gold is soft, it is easy to bend, the lower the purity, the less likely to bend.

    (4) Listening to the sound: Real gold with a color of more than 99 % throwing it on the hard ground, it will make a tap sound, there is no rhyme or elasticity. The fake or low golden sound is crispy but no dullness. Generally, the sound of "Dangdang" is emitted, and there are surplus sounds.

    (5) Burning with fire: The jewelry will be burned red (do not melt the jewelry) with fire (do not melt the jewelry), and observe the color change after cooling. Dark or different degrees of darkness is not pure gold. Generally, the lower the color, the stronger the color, and the darkens are all, indicating that it is a fake gold jewelry.

    (6) Seeing the mark: Domestic gold jewelry is allicized and prepared according to international standards, and the killing records, such as "24K" indicate "foot red" or "foot gold"; The word "18K" is marked, and those who have a lower color are lower than LOK. At present, illegal elements are commonly used to manufacture fake cards and imitation stamps in the society. They use rare gold, Asian gold, and even brass to impersonate real gold. Therefore, the identification of gold jewelry must be comprehensively determined according to the sample to determine the true and false and the quality of the real.

  2. where to buy wholesale jewelry long beach How to identify gold and silver jewelry is the learning that the door needs to attract attention, mainly divided into the following four steps. More than 90%of the gold without impurities
    For gold, more than 70%of gold jewelry color is yellow and yellow, and more than 80%of the colors are basically yellow. Nine gold, ninety -five gold, the color tone is fast, without any black, gray, and blue mixed impurities.
    This silver jewelry, which looks white, delicate, shiny, and printed on the jewelry with manufacturers and store numbers. Gray and unclean.
    has no elasticity in high silver
    It, you can identify real gold silver by weight. The gold body is small and heavy, and the palm is weighing, and it has a clear sense of sinking. Moreover, pure gold is soft, and it is generally impossible to make complex and hollowed carved jewelry. If you encounter jewelry with too complicated shapes, you must be vigilant.
    The higher the color of the silver jewelry, the softer the quality, and we can detect what its elasticity is. Hold the silver bracelet with two hands. If you open it with your hand, there is no elasticity, and it has a color of about 95%; if there are some elasticity, the color will be about 80%~ 90%; Below 70%.
    "dead sound" is the golden jewelry of gold
    . There will be a dull tap sound on the cement floor, and there is no sound without rhyme, and it does not return. It is commonly known as a "dead sound". On the contrary, the low -collision gold jewelry is thrown on the cement floor with rhymes and sharp sounds, and a slight jump.
    The silver identification is similar to it. The proportion of silver jewelry with a high color is also very large. It is not high to throw on the table, and there is a sound of "click"; It can bounce high on the table, and the sound of the sound is relatively crisp.
    This color white silver is easy to break
    The higher the color of the gold jewelry, the softer, the more elastic, the real gold bite or the needle will have light marks. It will not change color. The low -collision and false are just the opposite. For silver, pinch with your fingers, soft and flexible; the quality of the quality is harder, or barely moves, and some can not even move with your fingers; A few times will crack; the fake one cannot be bent, and it is easy to break.
    Is to distinguish between ninety -five gold or nine -nine gold, citizens generally cannot do it, and they need to help professional instruments from professional departments.

  3. jewelry wholesaler gold la 1. Observation identification method. Gold is "seven greens, eight yellows, nine purple ten red". It means that the blue gold contains 70%, the yellow contains 80%, the purple is 90%gold, and the red is almost 100%gold.

    2. Sound identification method. Let the jewelry fall into the hard place, the sound is dull, and the explanation is good; the sound is crisp and the color difference is different.

    3. Bend identification method. Twitte -folding utensils, the real gold is soft, easy to bend and not easy to break.

    4. With a hard needle tip on the surface of the real gold, there are obvious traces, and the false traces are blurred.

    5. Gold is the largest proportion of the material, and its proportion is 19:37. Bronze and red copper of the same weight are much larger than the same weight gold and red gold. You can know.

    6. Fire burning identification method. True gold jewelry can not change color with fire, but it is not resistant to fake. After burning, it will turn dark brown, and it will lose light.

  4. panama jack jewelry wholesale The proportion of gold is 19.3, and the volume is smaller than the same heavy copper or copper plated material. As long as the weight is olored, and the size can be distinguished by the size. If it is burned in the fire, the surface is still glorious, it is gold; and other metal surfaces will lose glory due to oxidation.
    The best way to identify gold is to use the goldstone. Its mineral name is Bixuan Rock, also known as vermiculite slehi. The texture of the goldstone is dense and hard, and it is a black carbon -containing quartz and protein mixture. Rainstone in Nanjing belongs to such stones. Cook this kind of stone in the goose blood or goose soup to make it black, and then use the golden barbecue marks on the stone with the known ingredients, and then draw the metal that wants to test the same size under the stone. The color of the strip marks is the gold with the same ingredients. Similarly, the goldstone can also measure the color of gold.

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