With more than 1000 million active users online,here is how to Delete your account in Telegram

With more than 1000 million active users online,here is how to Delete your account in Telegram

With more than 1000 million active users online,here is how to Delete your account in Telegram
With more than 1000 million active users online,here is how to Delete your account in Telegram

Keep in mind, when you delete your Telegram account, this is a permanent action that removes all of your related data from the platform. These are the roles where you control user messages, user media, user contacts,, users, and users. If you are completely positive and prepared to leave Telegram for ever, women and gentlement stick to the guide.

What Deleting Your Account Means

How to delete a Telegram account:

All DATA DELETED: All of your messages, photos, videos, and files that you sent or received will be permanently deleted.

Loss of login attempting with same credentials as You will not be able to log back in.

Group and Channel Impact - If you own any groups or channels on Telegram, you might want to find someone responsible and transfer the admin rights before you delete the account.

Prepare Before You Delete

Note: Before you being, please ensure all the important data or info which you would want to keep is saved in some place outside iTwin. If you delete your account there is no way to get this data back.

Deleting your Telegram Account

To obtain a step-by-step guide on how to delete your account see it here.

1. Visit the Telegram Deactivation Page

Getting started, you need to go to Telegram deactivate page. Users cannot do this directly via the app

Simply visit Deactivate-telegram in any web browser.

Goes your telephone number with national code.

2. Enter Your Verification Code and Enjoy The Match

After you have entered your phone number, Telegram would have sent a verification code to your app or control center via SMS.

Use this verification code on the website to get to your account management section.

3. Choose to Delete Your Account

Once you are logged in you will see the option to delete the account

Click on the option and then click on the confirmation options and you are done.

Confirm Account Deletion

Your account will instantly be deactivated once you complete the deletion steps. For the account to be removed properly:

Now, try logging in with your existing details. If access is declined and you don't receive messages, your account has been deleted properly.

For a guide and video explanation through the same process, check out telegram 刪帳號.

Final Considerations

Please note though that this action cannot be undone and when you delete your account, you will lose all your credentials. Make sure you really want to be erased from Telegram before moving on. This is a serious decision as it will delete all your data and connections you made on the platform forever.

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